Provider Notifications

How to read this report

This report displays near real time responses to the submission of data. When data is either incorrect or inconsistent with information already stored in the database, an error or warning message, will be displayed so that providers can correct and resubmit data.


Scheduled Validation Errors

Notification messages Appropriate action Notification Category
The reporting deadline for data that has yet to be reported is approaching or has passed. The message will contain details of missing data. Acquire and report the missing data before the deadline (if the deadline has not yet passed) or as soon as possible (if the deadline has passed). Scheduled Validation Error (SVE)

The detailed scheduled validations and triggers are listed on the Scheduled Validations page.

CHESSN Allocated

Notification messages

Appropriate action

Notification Category
  • A new CHESSN has been allocated to the student and is stored on the student record.
  • An existing CHESSN has been found for the student and is stored on the student record.
  • The CHESSN reported by the provider has been found to be unverifiable. An alternative CHESSN has been determined for the student and is stored on the student record.

Retrieve the system validated CHESSN from the system and advise the student via the Commonwealth Assistance Notice.

CHESSN Allocated (CHA)
  • The student could not be allocated a CHESSN, please provide a TFN to assist in resolving this issue.

Check or obtain additional identity information from student, including their TFN, and report this.


CHESSN Error fields

TFN Verification Errors

Notification messages Appropriate action Notification Category
  • TFN matched to different External ID – the ATO has a different TFN for the student.
  • TFN unmatched – TFN and/or other student details do not match details held by the ATO.
  • TFN unmatched due to Client Status – Advise the student to contact the ATO to resolve an issue with their account and the status of their TFN.
Contact student to resolve incorrect TFN. Report correct TFN as soon as it is available. Tax File Number Verification Error (TFN)
  • TFN unmatched and verification period has concluded – TFN will need to be re-reported to recommence verification period.
Check TFN with student and resubmit TFN. Tax File Number Verification Error (TFN)

Loan Rejection

Notification messages

Appropriate action

Notification Category
  • A loan record has been created but the loan is not or will not be fully serviceable from within the student’s available HELP balance or pending HELP balance.

Check the student's balances and other loans to determine whether further action may be needed in relation to this loan.

Loan Invalidation (INV)

Loan Rejection (LRV)

  • The status of an existing loan has changed as the result of a new loan or student identity data being reported.
Check the student's balances and other loans to determine whether further action may be needed in relation to this loan. Loan Adjustment (LAJ)
  • An OS-HELP loan exceeds or will exceed student’s lifetime limit for OS-HELP loans

Check the student's existing OS-HELP loans to determine whether further action may be needed in relation to this loan.

Loan Invalidation (INV)

Loan Rejection (LRV)

  • A VET loan has been rejected as invalid against VET Student Loan requirements.

Refer to Provider Payment Report for error notifications and undertake remediation required.

Loan Rejected by VSL (VRJ)


Loan Limit Warnings

USI Verification Errors

Notification messages

Appropriate action

Notification Category
  • The USI Office has advised that the USI is invalid.
  • The USI Office has advised that the USI has been revoked (deactivated).
  • The USI Office has advised that the USI is suspended.
  • The USI Office has advised <detail> on TCSI does not match <detail> on the USI Registry System for the given USI.

Contact student to resolve the issue with the USI.

Unique Student Identifier Verification Error (USI)
  • Insufficient student details to complete USI verification.

Check or obtain additional identity information from the student and report this to TCSI.

Unique Student Identifier Verification Error (USI)