Legacy HEIMS data

HEIMSHELP has been decommissioned

The HEIMSHELP website is no longer active. An archived version of HEIMSHELP is available via the National Archive’s Trove service.

Key resources from HEIMSHELP, such as historical elements and reporting requirements have been integrated into the TCSI Support website for reference by reporting staff and data users.

HEIMS Access

From July 2023, Multi-factor Authentication will replace the current process for logging into HEIMS Online. This new process will apply to users that access external facing applications provided by the department within HEIMS Online.  This change is to ensure that these applications are protected from cyber threats.

If you are a current user of HEIMS Online will no longer be able to use your credentials to log directly into HEIMS Online as the URL for this web application will be re-directed to the PRODA log in screen to complete the 2-step verification process. This process will be familiar with users of TCSI services.  PRODA is a secure and safe method that providers use to access government services for TCSI reporting and view analytic reports

The attributes to access HEIMS Online are available in PRODA, ready for your Directors to add these roles to members who require access to the applications within HEIMS Online. The PRODA webpage on TCSI Support has also been updated to include these attributes.

Each organisation will now have the ability to manage staff members access for HEIMS within PRODA.  Managing these attributes in PRODA will remove the requirement to complete and submit HEIMS access forms and request for password resets.

This new method for accessing HEIMS Online will apply to the following applications;

Applications Description
HEIMS Data View Reports To view reports on legacy data submitted to HEIMS prior to 2021
Program Funding Applications To process Higher education estimates for CGS, HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP and OS-HELP loans
Institution Payment Information Enables Higher education providers to view their institution payment information