Higher Education Student Load Liability Distribution Live Data Report


The Higher Education Load Liability Distribution Live Data Report provides a summary and comparisons of the distribution of the Equivalent Full-Time Student Load (EFTSL) of units reported for the current year and the previous year.

How to read this report

This report includes:

  • Units of study undertaken on a cross-institutional basis
  • Units of study which have been remitted under special circumstances or units of study which have been invalidated
  • Unit Enrolments with a census date (E489) in the future
  • Non higher degree by research students (E310 not equal to 02, 03) who have withdrawn from their unit on, or before, the census date (E601 is less than or equal to E489) and
  • Students who have successfully completed their unit on, or before, the census date (E355 = 3 and E601 is less than or equal to E489)

Layout of the report

Slicers on the left side of the report enable users to select student EFTSL by:

  • Data Field
  • Reporting Year
  • E489 – Unit of Study Census Date
  • Pre – Census Withdrawal Date
  • Current Date Indicator

The following table identifies the components that are used to construct the report:

Field Coding notes
Campus Postcode Value reported on Postcode (E477) or Delivery location country code (E660) of Higher Education/VET Provider campus/delivery location for each unit of study.
Citizen Resident Value reported on Citizen/resident indicator (E358) for each unit of study.
Maximum Student Contribution Indicator Value reported on Maximum student contribution indicator (E392) for each unit of study.

Note: Prior to 2013, the Pre-2010 subcategory refers to all loading for 2009. From 2013, Pre-2010 refers to only nursing and teaching loading for all years prior to 2010.
Mode of Attendance Value reported on Mode of attendance code (E329) for each unit of study.
Student Status Value reported on Student status code (E490) for each unit of study.
Summer Winter School Value reported on Summer and winter school code (E551) for each unit of study.
Work Experience in Industry (WEI) Value reported on Work experience in industry code (E337) for each unit of study


  • Deleted records are excluded from the report.