Element E392 - Maximum student contribution code


A code that indicates which maximum student contribution amount was used in calculating the relevant commonwealth contribution amount and student contribution amount.

Input Packets

Packets/Groups it appears in:

Showing 0 of 1.


Code category Element (E)
Element # 392
Element Type: String
Width: 1
Version Revision Date:
Version: 6.10
Years version active: 2024, 2025

Allowable Values

7 Maximum student and Commonwealth contribution for Commonwealth supported students where the:
  • student does not meet the definition of a grandfathered student in Schedule 1 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003, and
  • the unit of study is not in Professional Pathway Psychology or Professional Pathway Social Work.
8 Maximum student and Commonwealth contribution for Commonwealth supported students where the:
  • student does not meet the definition of a grandfathered student in Schedule 1 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003; and
  • the unit of study is in Professional Pathway Psychology or Professional Pathway Social Work.
9 Maximum student and Commonwealth contribution for Commonwealth supported students who began their course of study prior to 1 January 2021 and meet the definition of a grandfathered student in Schedule 1 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003.
S Maximum student contribution for Commonwealth supported students where the:
  • student is supported under the Nuclear Powered Submarine Student Pathways program