Higher Education HELP Status Compliance Live Data Report
How to read this report
[Updated on 18/12/2024]
This report displays student loan statuses for a selected year based on the following predefined set of criteria:
Includes only:
- Citizen/resident indicator (E358: Citizen resident code) is:
- 1 Australian citizen,
- 2 New Zealand citizen,
- 3 Permanent visa other than Permanent humanitarian visa, or
- 8 Permanent humanitarian visa
- P Pacific Engagement Visa [UPDATED: 09/04/2024]
Uses the reported Student Status code (E490: Student Status Code) to determine the following categories:
- Enabling
- Student Status code (E490: Student Status Code) is:
- 261 A domestic student enrolled in an enabling course (i.e. bridging or supplementary programme)
- Student Status code (E490: Student Status Code) is:
- HECS Liable
- Student Status code (E490: Student Status Code) is:
- 110 Deferred all or part of student contribution through HECS‑HELP,
- 111 Paid full student contribution upfront with HECS‑HELP discount,
- 112 Paid full student contribution upfront without HECS‑HELP discount
- Student Status code (E490: Student Status Code) is:
- Student Status code (E490: Student Status Code) is:
- 201 Deferred all or part of student contribution through HECS‑HELP,
- 202 Paid full student contribution upfront with HECS‑HELP discount,
- 203 Paid full student contribution upfront without HECS‑HELP discount
- 204 Paid the full student contribution upfront
- Student Status code (E490: Student Status Code) is:
- FEE‑HELP eligible students:
- Student Status code (E490: Student Status Code) is:
- 220 Pre-2005 PELS students who deferred all or part of the tuition fee through FEE‑HELP
- 230 Deferred all or part of Award or Enabling course tuition fee through FEE‑HELP
- 231 Deferred all or part of tuition fee through FEE‑HELP – Employer reserved place
- 232 Deferred all or part of Open Universities Australia (OUA) tuition fee through FEE‑HELP, or
- 233 Deferred all or part of BOTP tuition fee through FEE‑HELP.
- Student Status code (E490: Student Status Code) is:
- Other Commonwealth Supported
- Student Status code (E490: Student Status Code) is:
- 250 A domestic student holding a Commonwealth-funded, merit-based, undergraduate HECS‑exemption scholarship for disadvantaged students,
- 260 Student in a Commonwealth supported place with an Exemption scholarship (no student contribution to be charged)
- 262 Student undertaking Work Experience in Industry (WEI) where learning and performance is not directed by, and support is not received from, the Provider and for which a student contribution cannot be charged [UPDATED: 09/04/2024]
- 263 Students undertaking a replacement unit that will not consume student learning entitlement. [UPDATED: 09/04/2024]
- Student Status code (E490: Student Status Code) is:
- OS-HELP [UPDATED: 09/04/2024]
- Student Status code (E490: Student Status Code) is:
- 240 OS HELP for study in non Asian countries
- 241 OS HELP for study in Asia
- 242 OS HELP Language study
- Student Status code (E490: Student Status Code) is:
- SA-HELP [UPDATED: 09/04/2024]
- Student Status code (E490: Student Status Code) is:
- 280 Deferred all or part of student services and amenities fee for a Course of Study through SA HELP
- 281 Deferred all or part of student services and amenities fee for a Bridging Course for Overseas Trained Professional through SA HELP
- Student Status code (E490: Student Status Code) is:
Layout of the report
The report has two pages:
- HELP-Status Compliance and
- OS-SA HELP Compliance [UPDATED: 09/04/2024]
Slicers on each page enable users to select data by:
- Reporting Year
- Loan Status
- Student Status
The following table identifies the components that are used to construct each page of the report:
HELP Status Compliance
Field | Coding notes |
Reporting Year | Uses the year component of the reported E489: Unit of Study Census date value |
State | Uses the State that the institution was headquartered at. |
E313 – Student Identification Code | Uses the reported E313: Student Identification Code value. |
E488 – CHESSN | Uses the reported E488: CHESSN value. |
E354 – Unit of Study Code | Uses the reported E354: Unit of Study Code value. |
E489 – Unit of Study Census Date | Uses the reported E489: Unit of Study Census Date value. |
E558 – HELP Loan Amount | Uses the reported E558: HELP Loan Amount value. |
E662 – Adjusted Loan Amount | Uses the reported E662: Adjusted Loan Amount value. |
Loan Variance | The sum of E558: HELP Loan Amount minus the sum of E662: Adjusted Loan Amount. |
E529 – Loan Fee | Uses the reported E529: Loan Fee value. |
E663 – Adjusted Loan Fee | Uses the reported E663: Adjusted Loan Fee value. |
Loan Fee Variance | The sum of E529: Loan Fee minus the sum of E663: Adjusted Loan Fee. |
E446 – Remission Reason Code | Uses the reported E446: Remission Reason Code value. |
A130 – Loan Status | Uses the reported A130 - Loan Status value. |
E490 – Student Status Code | Uses the reported E490: Student Status Code value. |
OS-SA HELP Status Compliance [UPDATED: 09/04/2024]
Field | Coding notes |
Reporting Year | Uses the year component of the reported E527: HELP debt incurral date value |
State | Uses the State that the institution was headquartered at. |
E313 – Student Identification Code | Uses the reported E313: Student Identification Code value. |
E488 – CHESSN | Uses the reported E488: CHESSN value. |
E584 - USI | Uses the reported E584 - Unique Student Identifier value. |
E527 - HELP Debt Incurral Date | Uses the E527: HELP debt incurral date value |
E558 – HELP Loan Amount | Uses the reported E558: HELP Loan Amount value. |
E528 – OS-HELP Payment Amount | Uses the reported E528: OS-HELP Payment Amount value. |
E529 – Loan Fee | Uses the reported E529: Loan Fee value. |
A130 – Loan Status | Uses the reported A130 - Loan Status value. |
E490 – Student Status Code | Uses the reported E490: Student Status Code value. |
HELP Type | Uses the reported E490: Student Status Code value. |
- The following notes are applicable only for HECS-HELP Compliance Page [UPDATED 09/04/2024]
- Unit Enrolments with a census date (E489: Unit of Study Census date) in the future are excluded from the report.
- Non higher degree by research students (E310: Course of study type code not equal to 02, 03) who have withdrawn from their unit on, or before, the census date (E601: Unit of study outcome date is less than or equal to E489: Unit of Study Census date) are excluded from the report.
- Students who have successfully completed their unit on, or before, the census date (E355: Unit of study status code = 3 and E601: Unit of study outcome date is less than or equal to E489: Unit of Study Census date) are included in the report.
- Deleted unit enrolments will not be included in the report. Loan amounts rejected, invalidated and adjusted by the Student Entitlement Management Engine will be included in the report with the HELP Loan Amount (E558: HELP loan amount) and Loan Fee (E529: Loan fee) as reported by the education provider. The Loan Status (A130) only indicates the state of the loan at the time TCSI Analytics reports are refreshed.
- Startup Year unit enrolments that do not have a STARTUP-HELP loan are excluded from the report [UPDATED 18/12/2024]