Staff Numbers Live Data Report

How to read this report

This report provides staff counts for the current year and the previous year for HEP and PIR Providers. It includes Full-time and Fractional Full-time staff (E506 – Work Contract Code = 1 and 2) who work in HEP sector (E511- Work Sector Code =1). The report excludes staff who work in an independent operation (E510 - Organisational Unit Code = 6100, 6200 or 6900).

How to read this report

When calculating staff numbers, a staff member's primary record is utilised in the report in order to select the first unique record. This rule is applied when there is more than one record for a staff member in the reported data.  The first record (Primary Record) for the Staff member is determined from the following sort rule order:

  1. E511- Work Sector Code sorted in ascending order
  2. E506 – Work Contact Code sorted in ascending order
  3. E510 - Organisational Unit Code between 1000 and 5999 then 1, else 0 sorted in descending order
    • This means that first a value of 0 or 1 is assigned to the E510 code depending on where it falls in the preceding range. In effect, this becomes an additional derived element on which to sort on. For example, if one record has an E510 value coded to "1DEF" and another for the same staff member has an E510 value of "5300", then these are both coded to "1" and you will have to go to the subsequent sort rules to determine the primary staff record.
  4. E513 - Full time Equivalence at Reference Date sorted in descending order
  5. E507 - Current Duties Term Code sorted in descending order
  6. E408 – Staff Work Level Code sorted in ascending order
  7. E412 - Function Code sorted in ascending order
  8. E510 - Organisational Unit Code sorted in ascending order

The following table identifies the components that are used to construct the report:

Field Coding notes
Gender Gender is determined on the basis of the first value reported on E315 (Gender code). For example, if a staff member is first reported as Male and then in a subsequent submission is reported as Female, the original classification of Male is maintained. If the original value has been revised, the revised value is used.
Current Duties Term Value reported on E507 - Current Duties Term Code for a member of staff's current duties in number of months if the term is five years or less. These are grouped as:
  • Five Years or Less - E507 - Current Duties Term Code > 0 and <= 60.
  • More than 5 years - E507 - Current Duties Term Code = 61.
  • Probationary - E507 - Current Duties Term Code = 81.
  • Confirmed - E507 - Current Duties Term Code = 82.
  • Other Term - E507 - Current Duties Term Code = 91.
  • No Information.  Any other value or no value.
Work Contract

Value reported on E506 Work contract code.

Classification Value reported on E408 – Staff Work Level Code denoting the classification type and level group for a member of staff in respect of their current duties.
Organisational Unit

Value reported on E510 - Organisational Unit Code indicating the organisational unit in which the current duties of a member of staff are being performed.

Note: Organisational unit codes must be consistent with the academic organisational units reported in the Higher Education Student Collection.

Excluded is Independent operations coded as 6100 6900, being; computing services, research, development, testing or consultancy services and other independent operations which are controlled entities.

Function Value reported on E412 - Function Code.
Indigenous status

Value reported on E316 – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Code.

Reported E316 status for a staff member has the following updating rules:

  • If the original reported value is 9 (no information) the record will be updated with any new value (2, 3, 4 or 5)
  • If the original reported value was 3, 4 or 5 (indigenous) HEIMS will only update the record if a new indigenous value is reported (3, 4 or 5)
  • A value of 3, 4 or 5 will not be updated if the new reported value is 9 (no information) or 2
Highest Qualification Value reported on E501 – Highest Qualification Code.

Layout of the report

Slicers on the left side of the report enable users to select Staff numbers by:

  • Reporting Year
  • Provider Type
  • Attribute


  • The following records are excluded in determining Primary Record.
    • E511 - Work sector code = 2 and E506 - Work contract code in (3 or 4).
  • Details page contains unit records data. Users can see unit records data by drilling-through a value in summary page.