Element E501 - Highest qualification code


A code which indicates the highest qualification of a member of staff with an academic classification

Input Packets

Packets/Groups it appears in:

Showing 0 of 2.


Showing 0 of 1.

Scheduled Validations


Code category Element (E)
Element # 501
Element Type: String
Width: 1
Version Revision Date:
Version: 6.00
Years version active: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025

Allowable Values

6Doctorate by research or coursework
7Master's by research, coursework or Master's extended
5Other Postgraduate (including Postgraduate Qual or Prelim; Grad Dip/Postgrad Dip New/Extended and Graduate Certificate)
2Bachelor's (including Bachelor's graduate entry, Bachelor's honours and Bachelor's pass
4No information