Higher Education Student Enrolment Live Data Report
How to read this report
[Updated on 30/05/2023]
This report provides the summary and comparisons for student enrolments for both commencing and all students.
It includes unique count of students enrolled in a Major course at a higher education provider for the reporting year.
- E331: Major course indicator = 1 Enrolled in only one higher education course (UID15)
- E331: Major course indicator = 2 Enrolled in more than one higher education course (UID15) and the major course is chosen by descending sort of EFTSL (E339) and course (UID15). (The major course is the one with the highest load, and if two courses (UID15s) have the equal highest load then the major course is the one with highest UID15.)
- E331: Major course indicator = 3 Enrolled in more than one course (UID15) and this is a minor course (a course other than the course with the highest load, or a cross institution course (E310 Course level code = 40,41,or 42)
- Unit Enrolments with a census date (E489) in the future are excluded from the Major Course calculation.
- Non higher degree by research students (E310 not equal to 02, 03) who have withdrawn from their unit on, or before, the census date (E601 is less than or equal to E489) are excluded from the Major Course calculation.
- Students who have successfully completed their unit on, or before, the census date (E355=3 and E601 is less than or equal to E489) are included in the major course calculation.
This report excludes students enrolled in in cross institutional studies:
- E310: Course of study type code is:
- 41 Cross Institution – Undergraduate, or
- 42 Cross Institution – Postgraduate.
Layout of the report
Slicer on the left side of the report enable users to select students by:
- Reporting Year
- Data Field
The following table identifies the components that are used to construct the report:
Field | Coding notes |
A course of special Interest | The value reported on E312: Special course type code. |
Broad Field of education code |
First two digits of E461: Field of education code and first two digits of E462: Field of education supplementary code (if applicable) The data allows for the coding of combined courses to two fields of education, and as a result summing the data across all Broad Field of Education may return a total that is higher than the total number of students. Where students have both a primary and secondary Field of Education (FOE):
Citizenship |
The value reported in E358: Citizen resident code. If multiple values exist, the last citizenship record with the latest Effective from date (E609: Effective from date) in the reporting year is used. [Updated on 30/05/2023] |
Disability | The value reported on E615: Disability code. |
Gender | The value reported on E315: Gender code. |
Indigenous Status | The value reported for E316: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander code value. |
Level of Course | The value reported for E310: Course of study type code. |
Mode of Attendance | E329: Mode of Attendance Code value is derived at the course level based on the individual values reported for each E354: Unit of study code. If there is only one E329: Mode of Attendance Code for a student over the period the reported value is used, otherwise the value is set to "multi modal". |
- Non higher degree by research students (E310: Course of study type code not equal to 02, 03) who have withdrawn from their course on or before the E489: Unit of Study Census Date are excluded from these reports:
- Unit Enrolments with a census date (E489) in the future are excluded from the report.
- Non higher degree by research students (E310 not equal to 02, 03) who have withdrawn from their unit on, or before, the census date (E601 is less than or equal to E489) are excluded from the report.
- Students who have successfully completed their unit on, or before, the census date (E355=3 and E601 is less than or equal to E489) are included in the report.
- Deleted records are excluded from the report.
- Drill-through page of the report includes student records related to major course only.
- Disability includes count of disabilities if a student has a Course Admission in the reporting year (based on E489: Unit of Study Census date) and has a Disability that is active (the E609: Effective from date is in or before the reporting year and the E610: Effective to date is in or after the reporting year (or is ‘NULL’)) then count every disability value. If a student has multiple disability values during the year, they should be concatenated together (i.e. 15, 19). [UPDATE 06/09/2022]
- Please note we do not use the disability dates exactly (to the day), it's only if a student has a disability during the year at any point, they will be counted as having a disability. [UPDATE 06/09/2022]
- Sum of Disability categories may be greater than the Total student count as the data considers multiple disabilities of students and counts each disability code. [UPDATED 16/08/2022]
- Commencing students are students whose E534 – Course of Study Commencement Date is the same year as their earliest E489 – Unit of Study Census Date [UPDATED: 30/06/2023]