Higher Education HECS-HELP Payment Status Live Data Report

How to read this report

[UPDATED 11 October 2023]

This report provides a summary of HECS‑HELP student loans for a selected year, grouped by the following contribution liable payment statuses:

  • HECS-HELP – deferred
  • HECS-HELP – paid/discount
  • HECS-HELP – paid/no discount

Uses the reported Student Status code (E490) to determine the contribution liable payment statuses.

  • HECS-HELP – deferred

    • Student Status code (E490) is:
      • 110 Deferred all or part of student contribution through HECS‑HELP,
      • 201 Deferred all or part of student contribution through HECS‑HELP
  • HECS-HELP – paid/discount

    • Student Status code (E490) is:
      • 111 Paid full student contribution upfront with HECS‑HELP discount,
      • 202 Paid full student contribution upfront with HECS‑HELP discount
  • HECS-HELP - paid/no discount

    • Student Status code (E490) is:
      • 112 Paid full student contribution upfront without HECS‑HELP discount
      • 203 Paid full student contribution upfront without HECS‑HELP discount
      • 204 Paid the full student contribution upfront

The following student records are excluded from this report:

  • Students coded as 2 on E337 - Work experience in industry
  • Unit of study records for research students (E310 = 1, 2, 3) and students undertaking units on a non-award (E310 =50) basis are excluded from the report

The following table identifies the components that are used to construct the report:

Field Coding notes
Number of Students A count of distinct UID8 – StudentResKey. The data takes into account the coding of students to two or more categories within the report. As a consequence, totals may be less than the sum of all categories.
Total EFTSL Uses the reported E339 (EFTSL) value.
EFTSL No Work Experience E339 (EFTSL) value where E337 - Work experience in industry = 1
EFTSL with Work Experience E339 (EFTSL) value where E337 - Work experience in industry ≠ 1
Deferred Amount (E558) Uses the reported E558(HELP Debt Amount) value. [Updated 11 October 2023]
Amount Paid Upfront Uses the reported E381 (Amount paid upfront) value.
Total Amount Charged Uses the reported E384 (Total amount charged) value.
Discount (2021 – 2022 and Pre-2017 reports) Calculate from the Total Amount Charged (E384) minus the Deferred Amount (E558) and minus the Amount Paid Upfront (E381) [Updated 11 October 2023]
Advance Payment - Deferred (2023 Onwards and 2017 – 2020 reports) Uses the reported E558(HELP Debt Amount) value. [Updated 11 October 2023]
Advance Payment - Deferred (Pre-2017 reports) Calculate from the Deferred Amount (E558) + the Discount ((E384) minus the Deferred Amount (E558) and minus the Amount Paid Upfront ( E381)) [Updated 11 October 2023]
