TCSI Validations

The TCSI validations are subject to change until testing is complete on the TCSI solution. Any changes will not be tracked between versions.

Validations download

The links in this table will download the attachment
Attachment Size
TCSI Data Validations V1.0 (24 January 2025) (203.87 KB) 203.87 KB

A table of validations returning unique identifiers (UIDs) is available at validations returning a UID.

The web version of the validations have been taken down while they are being updated. The download gives the most up-to-date source of TCSI validations.

Resolving real-time validation errors

To find out about Real-Time Validation (RTV) errors and how to resolve them, please see Resolving real-time validation errors.  

ITSP Error Code Title Error Message HEP VET
10745 Validation error 10745 Inconsistent StudentContacts in concordance Yes Yes
10751 Validation error 10751 Overlapping course admissions Yes Yes
10764 Validation error 10764 Inconsistent citizenships in concordance Yes Yes
10768 Validation error 10768 Duplicate Commonwealth Scholarships in concordance Yes No
11056 Validation error 11056 Inconsistent USIs (E584) in concordance Yes Yes
10674 Validation error 10674 Amendment of Unique Student Identifier (E584) is attempted that uses unit enrolments which consume SLE Yes No
10705 Validation error 10705 Duplicate unit enrolment with loan Yes Yes
10696 Validation error 10696 Inconsistent combination - Amount Charged (E384)/ Amount Paid Upfront (E381)/ HELP Loan Amount (E558)/ Student Status Code (E490). Yes No
10897 Validation error 10897 Invalid code value in Student Status Code (E490) No No
10230 Validation error 10230 Deletion of Course Resource Key (UID5) not permitted No No