Validation error 10657

Reporting or amending a Unit (UID16) or AOU (UID19) for a student resulting in less than 1 EFTSL left to exhaust SLE entitlement.


Attempted reporting or amending Unit Enrolment (UID16) has left the student with less than 1 EFTSL to exhaust SLE entitlement.

Error Logic

If a Unit Enrolment (UID16) record is being created or updated
with Student Status Code E490 is ('201', '202', '203’, '204 or '260') and 
Unit of Study Census date E489 > = '2022-01-01' and 
Unit of Study Census date E489 < Unit of Study Outcome date (E601) and 
E446 not in ('01', '06', '12', '17' or '18') that requires SLE coverage for a student linked to a Unique Student Identifier (E584)

Then find 
(1) the sum of allocated SLE which is Allocated OSLE + Allocated ASLE + Allocated LSLE + AllocatedRSLE for the student (E584_USI), truncated to 4 decimal places; and 
(2) the sum of covered UEs where UE SLE use status is 'consumed' or 'reserved'  for the student (E584 USI) including the incoming updated or reported UE, truncated to 4 decimal places

IF the value of (2) - 1.0 is greater than (1), then trigger the RTV warning,
ELSE do nothing

Error Resolution

Please check the Unit Enrolment (UID16)/ AOU (UID19) that has been reported for the student. Student has less than 1 EFTSL left to exhaust SLE entitlement.


ITSP Error Code: 10657
HEP: Yes
Rule type: Warning
Related elements:
Element Name: Equivalent Full–time student load
Packet: Unit enrolment packet 2024
AOU packet 2024