Course application packet 2024

Version Details


The course application packet is used to report direct applications made for admission into a higher education undergraduate award course at a Table A or Table B provider in the first study period of each year. The data collected through a course application packet is referenced by one or more:

  • course preferences packets
  • course offers packets.


Table A and Table B providers are required to report a course application packet for each valid application that has been directly and formally lodged with them by a domestic applicant where the application contains at least one preference for a Commonwealth supported place in a higher education undergraduate award course to commence in the first study period each year, except where the:

  • citizen resident code (E358) is unknown at the time of the application
  • application does not contain at least one valid preference
  • application was cancelled by the institution because it was a duplicate, the applicant is known to be deceased, the applicant has falsified documentation, or other administrative reason
  • application is from an applicant who is a non-commencing student seeking to register for their course after a lapsed enrolment or deferral and the application was not required for registration.

A course application packet may be reported for applications that:

  • are from non-commencing students seeking to transfer between institutions, courses, courses of study, or who are required to register for their course following a lapsed enrolment or deferral
  • cannot be processed because fees and charges have not been paid, the applicant has not signed or acknowledged the declaration, or the application has missing or insufficient documentation.

Reporting deadlines

The reference date for the 2024 University Applications and Offers Collection is 15 May 2024. The 2024 University Applications and Offers Collection is due on 29 May 2024.

Initial reporting requirement

Element Required reporting
*E700 Application identification code Required for all in-scope applications
*E415 Reporting year Required for all in-scope applications
*E701: Application status code Required for all in-scope applications
*E358: Citizen resident code Required for all in-scope applications
*E314: Date of birth Required for all in-scope applications
*E315: Gender code Required for all in-scope applications
E402: Student family name Required for all in-scope applications
E403: Student given name first Required for all in-scope applications
E410: Residential address street
  • Required in the Course application packet for all in-scope applications from applicants who reside in Australia. 

  • Street address is not required for applicants residing overseas. 

E469: Residential address suburb
  • Required in the Course application packet for all in-scope applications from applicants who reside in Australia. 

  • Suburb is not required for applicant residing overseas. 

E620: Highest attainment code Required for all in-scope applications
E320: Residential address postcode Required for all in-scope applications from applicants who reside in Australia
E470: Residential address state Required for all in-scope applications from applicants who reside in Australia
E702: Australian year 12 results type code Optional
E710: International Baccalaureate aggregate score Required if the applicant’s candidature has been notified by the Australian Office of the International Baccalaureate Organisation
E632: Australian Tertiary Admission Rank Required if the applicant has an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank
E404: Student given name others Optional
E316: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander code Optional

*These elements must be reported together when a course application packet is created


Each course application packet must have a combination of the values for the application identification code (E700) and reporting year (E415) that are unique to each provider.

Revising data

A provider can correct any data already in a course application packet, if required. A course application packet cannot be deleted if it is linked to an active course preference or course offer record.

TCSI Data Entry file upload

Templates for TCSI Data Entry are available on the Higher education file templates page.