Course admission packet 2024
Version Details
- Version:
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The course admission packet is used to report the admission of students into courses and provide data on aspects of the student's admission and engagement in the course. Each course admission packet must be linked to an established student packet and established course packet. The data collected through a course admission packet may be referenced by one or more:
Providers are required to report a course admission packet each time a student is admitted to a course of the provider where the student may need to enrol in units of study to complete the course. A course admissions packet should not be reported for a person who is to be awarded a higher doctorate.
Initial reporting requirement
Element | Required reporting | Deadline |
*UID8 or: Student resource key or *E313: Student identification code | Required for all in-scope course admissions | Within 7 days of a student being admitted to a course |
*UID5 or: Course resource key or *E307: Course code | Required for all in-scope course admissions | Within 7 days of a student being admitted to a course |
*E534: Course of study commencement date | Required for all in-scope course admissions | Within 7 days of a student being admitted to a course |
E620: Highest attainment code | Required for all in-scope domestic students | Within 14 days of the first census date linked to the course admission |
E632: Australian tertiary admission rank | Required for recent school leavers in an undergraduate course who have an Australian tertiary admission rank | Within 14 days of the first census date linked to the course admission |
E605: Selection rank | Required for recent school leavers in an undergraduate course who have a selection rank | Within 14 days of the first census date linked to the course admission |
E330: Type of attendance code | Required for students in a HDR course | Within 14 days of the first census date linked to the course admission |
E599: Course outcome code | Required if the student is no longer enrolled in the course or has formally deferred | Within 7 days of a student taking a leave of absence, completing the course or ceasing enrolment in the course |
E591: HDR thesis submission date | Required if the HDR student has submitted a thesis | Within 7 days of the student submitting their thesis for the first time |
E594: HDR primary field of research code | Required if the student is in a HDR course | Within 14 days of the first census date linked to the course admission |
E595: HDR secondary field of research code | Required if the student is in a HDR course and has more than one field of research | Within 14 days of the first census date linked to the course admission |
E592: Course outcome date | Required if a course of study (including an enabling course) or a bridging course for overseas-trained professionals is completed | Within 7 days of the student completing the course |
E327: Basis for admission code | Required for all in-scope course admissions | Within 14 days of the first census date linked to the course admission |
E560: Credit used value^ | Required if credit is used | Within 14 days of the first census date linked to the course admission or 7 days of credit being applied to the student's course |
E561: Credit basis code^ | Required if credit is used | Within 14 days of the first census date linked to the course admission or 7 days of credit being applied to the student's course |
E566: Credit provider code | Required if E561 has study at an Australian provider as a credit basis | Within 14 days of the first census date linked to the course admission or 7 days of credit being applied to the student's course |
E463: Specialisation code | Required if known or on completion of an award course | Within 7 days of the student completing the course |
*These elements must be reported together when a new course admission packet is created
^These elements, if reported, must be reported together
Each course admission packet must have a unique combination of values for:
The combination of student (UID8 or E313), course (UID5 or E307) and course of study commencement date (E534) must also be unique across all course admissions packets and aggregated award packets for the provider.
Revising and adding data
A provider can revise any data already in a course admission packet after the initial packet is reported as per the table below.
Element | Revisions required |
UID8 or: Student resource key or E313: Student identification code | Corrections only |
UID5 or: Course resource key or E307: Course code | Do not change for courses linked to unit enrolments. Only change due to genuine administrative error. |
E534: Course of study commencement date | Corrections only |
E620: Highest attainment code | Corrections only. Value is to be correct as at the course of study commencement date (E534) |
E632: Australian tertiary admission rank | Corrections only. Value is to be correct as at the course of study commencement date (E534) |
E605: Selection rank | Corrections only. Value is to be correct as at the course of study commencement date (E534) |
E330: Type of attendance code | Update to current value |
E599: Course outcome code | Update to current value |
E591: HDR thesis submission date | Corrections only. Value is to be correct as at the first thesis submission date (E591) |
E594: HDR primary field of research code | Update to current value |
E595: HDR secondary field of research code | Update to current value |
E592: Course outcome date | Update to current value |
E327: Basis for admission code | Corrections only. Value is to be correct as at the course of study commencement date (E534). Additional codes are reported by creating a basis for admission packet |
E560: Credit used value | Corrections only. Additional codes are reported by creating a course prior credit packet |
E561: Credit basis code | Corrections only. Additional codes are reported by creating a course prior credit packet |
E566: Credit provider code | Corrections only. Additional codes are reported by creating a course prior credit packet |
E463: Specialisation code | Update to current value until course outcome date (E592). Then corrections only, with values to be as at the course outcome date (E592). Additional codes are reported by creating a specialisation packet |
A course admission packet cannot be deleted if it is linked to an active unit enrolment, OS‑HELP loan or exit award record.
The course identifier (UID5 or E307) should only be amended when data has been incorrectly reported through a genuine administrative error. The course identifier must not be revised as a result of a student transferring between courses. A new course admissions packet is to be created in this instance.
If a student has:
- more than one basis for admission into the course, the additional basis for admission code (E327) is to be reported through the basis for admission packet
- credit applied towards the requirements of the course on more than one occasion, the additional credit values and codes (E560, E561 and E566) are to be reported through the course prior credit packet
- more than one specialisation for the course, the additional specialisations (E463) are to be reported through the specialisation packet.
TCSI Data Entry file upload
Course admissions are updated on the Course admission files available for download on the course admissions group page.