Higher Education SA-HELP Live Data Report
How to read this report
This report provides a distribution of SA-HELP student loans based on the following pre defined set of criteria:
- Citizen/resident indicator (E358: Citizen resident code) is:
- 1 Australian citizen,
- 2 New Zealand citizen,
- 3 Permanent visa other than Permanent humanitarian visa, or
- 8 Permanent humanitarian visa
- P Pacific Engagement Visa (PEV)
SA-HELP eligible students
- Student Status code (E490: Student status code) is
- 280 Deferred all or part of student services and amenities fee for a Course of Study through SA‑HELP, or
- 281 Deferred all or part of student services and amenities fee for a Bridging Course for Overseas Trained Professional through SA‑HELP.
Please note that there is a difference between the Live Data and Verification report. See notes for further information.
Layout of the report
The report may not default to the latest Reporting year. The following table identifies the components that are used to construct the report:
Field | Coding notes |
Reporting Year | Based on the reported E527: HELP debt incurral date value. |
Number of Students | A count of distinct UID8 – StudentResKey. The data takes into account the coding of students to two or more categories within the report. As a consequence, totals may be less than the sum of all categories. [UPDATED 07/06/2023 |
E384 - Amount Charged | Uses the reported E384: Amount charged value. |
E381 - Amount Paid Upfront | Uses the reported E381: Amount paid up front value. |
E558 - HELP Loan Amount | Uses the reported E558: HELP loan amount value. |
Students with more than one SA-HELP loan are only counted once if they appear in two or more categories in this report. Therefore, the total student count for each aggregated category may be less than the number of student loans that contribute to that total count.
Verification report exclusions
The verification report is the same as the live data, except that the following A130 – Loan Statuses are excluded:
Please note that the SA-HELP live data report includes loans that have been deleted. Inclusion of these assists providers who need access to this data. If you do not want to see deleted loans, use the Loan Status slicer in the report to exclude these by deselecting statuses of ‘DELETED’,
‘REVERSED’ , ‘REVERSEREC’ and ‘REVERSETRANS’. More details on what the loan statuses mean is available on the TCSI Support Website (HECS-HELP/FEE-HELP or OS-HELP).