Higher Education OS-HELP ASCED General Report

How to read this report

This report provides a distribution of OS-HELP student loans for a selected year based on the following set of criteria:

  • OS-HELP records which have an OS-HELP debt incurral date in the selected reporting year.
  • E490: Student Status code = 240, 241 and 242.

Layout of the report

The report may not default to the latest Reporting year. Buttons on the top left of the page enable users to select reports between the 2005-2009, 2010-2013 or 2014 onwards reporting years.

The following table identifies the components that are used to construct the report:

Field Coding notes
Reporting Year Based on the reported E527: HELP debt incurral date value.
ASCED ASCED name linked to the first 2 digits of the reported E461: Field of education code value.
Country Country name linked to the reported E553: OS-HELP primary study country code.
Number of Loans A count of number of loans within each loan type.
Number of Students

A count of distinct Student Master CHESSNs E488: Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN) within each loan type.

The data takes into account the coding of students to two or more categories within the report. As a consequence, totals may be less than the sum of all categories.

E528 - OS-HELP Payment Amount Sum of the reported OS-HELP payment amount E528: OS-HELP payment amount values within each loan type.
E529 - OS-HELP Loan Fee Sum of the reported E529: Loan fee values within each loan type.
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