Validation error 11028

Invalid Debt Incurral Date


The Debt Incurral Date for OS-HELP assistance for overseas study must match the Debt Incurral Date for OS-HELP assistance for language study.

Error Logic

If for a given Student Identification Code (E313), there is an OS-HELP Loan record (Loan A) where the Student Status Code (E490) is '241', and the Language Study Commencement Date (E583) is not blank (null) and the OS-HELP Payment Amount (E528) is 0.00, then the Debt Incurral Date (E527) for that record must match the Debt Incurral Date (E527) for the linked OS-HELP Loan record (Loan B) where Student Status Code (E490) is '242. A match is identified when the Language Study Commencement Date (E583) for the overseas study record (E490 = '241') is equal to the OS-HELP Study Period Commencement Date (E521) for the language study record (E490 = '242').

Error Resolution

Please check the Language Study Commencement Date (E583), OS-HELP Payment Amount (E528) and Debt Incurral Date (E527). When the OS-HELP Payment Amount (E528) is 0.00 for an OS-HELP Loan record (UID21) for overseas study in Asia (E490 = '241'), the Debt Incurral Date (E527) for that record must be the same as the Debt Incurral Date (E527) for the linked OS-HELP Loan record (UID21) for language study.


ITSP Error Code: 11028
HEP: Yes
Rule type: Fatal
Related elements:
Element Name: HELP debt incurral date
Packet: OS-HELP loan packet 2022