OS-HELP loan packet 2021

Version Details


The OS-HELP loan packet is used to report OS-HELP loans. Each OS-HELP loan packet must be linked to an established course admission packet.


Providers are required to report an OS-HELP loan packet for each OS-HELP loan paid to a student.

Initial reporting requirement


Required reporting


*UID15: Course admission resource key or

E313/E307/E534: Unique course admission combination

Required for all OS-HELP loans

Within 14 days of the HELP debt incurral date (E527)

*E527: HELP debt incurral date

Required for all OS-HELP loans

Within 14 days of the HELP debt incurral date (E527)

*E490: Student status code

Required for all OS-HELP loans

Within 14 days of the HELP debt incurral date (E527)

*E528: OS-HELP payment amount

Required for all OS-HELP loans

Within 14 days of the HELP debt incurral date (E527)

*E521: OS-HELP study period commencement date

Required for all OS-HELP loans

Within 14 days of the HELP debt incurral date (E527)

E529: Loan fee

Required for all OS-HELP loans

Within 14 days of the HELP debt incurral date (E527)

E553: OS-HELP primary study country code

Required if the loan is for overseas study

Within 14 days of the HELP debt incurral date (E527)

E554: OS-HELP secondary study country code

Required if the loan is for overseas study and there is a secondary country

Within 14 days of the HELP debt incurral date (E527)

E583: OS-HELP language study commencement date

Required if the student is accessing a loan for study in Asia and is accessing a language loan

Within 14 days of the HELP debt incurral date (E527)

E582: OS-HELP language code

Required if the student is accessing a language loan

Within 14 days of the HELP debt incurral date (E527)

*These elements must be reported together when an OS-HELP loan packet is created


Each OS-HELP loan packet must have a unique combination of the values for the:

  • course admission identifier (UID15 or combination of E313/E307/E534)
  • OS-HELP study period commencement date (E521)
  • student status code (E490).

Revising data

A provider can update or correct any data already in a OS-HELP loan packet after the initial packet is reported. Data is to be correct as at the HELP debt incurral date (E527).

TCSI Data Entry file upload

Templates for TCSI Data Entry are available on the Higher education file templates page.