TCSI Validations

The TCSI validations are subject to change until testing is complete on the TCSI solution. Any changes will not be tracked between versions.

Validations download

The links in this table will download the attachment
Attachment Size
TCSI Data Validations V1.0 (24 January 2025) (203.87 KB) 203.87 KB

A table of validations returning unique identifiers (UIDs) is available at validations returning a UID.

The web version of the validations have been taken down while they are being updated. The download gives the most up-to-date source of TCSI validations.

Resolving real-time validation errors

To find out about Real-Time Validation (RTV) errors and how to resolve them, please see Resolving real-time validation errors.  

ITSP Error Code Title Error Message HEP VET
10061 Validation error 10061 Course Effective To Date (E610) before Course Effective From Date (E609) Yes Yes
10062 Validation error 10062 Unusual Course of Study Commencement Date (E534)/Date of Birth (E314) combination Yes Yes
10063 Validation error 10063 Residential Address Postcode (E320) required Yes Yes
10064 Validation error 10064 Special Interest Course Effective From Date (E609) after Course Effective To Date (E610) Yes No
10065 Validation error 10065 Invalid Field of Education Effective From Date (E609) Yes No
10066 Validation error 10066 Inconsistent Recognition of Prior Learning Code (E577)/ EFTSL (E339) No Yes
10067 Validation error 10067 Invalid code value in Principal Mode of Offshore Delivery Code (E570) Yes No
10068 Validation error 10068 Invalid Course Resource Key (UID5) Yes No
10069 Validation error 10069 Course of Study Commencement Date (E534) required Yes Yes
10070 Validation error 10070 Course Resource Key (UID5)/Student Resource Key (UID8) combination already reported Yes Yes