Validation error 10675
Amendment to the Course of Study Type (E310) or Course of Study Load (E350) not permitted.
Error Logic
WHEN the Course of Study Type (E310) or Course of Study Load (E350) is amended
ON a Course of Study record that allocates Additional SLE
AND that Course of Study record is linked to one or more active Course Admissions (UID15) linked to student records (UID8) with a valid USIs (E584),
AND where the student's citizenship record is currently reported as either ‘1’ (Australian), ‘2’ (New Zealand), ‘3’ (Permanent Visa), ‘8’ (Permanent Humanitarian Visa) or 'P' (Pacific Engagement Visa), amended from '4' (Temporary Entry Permit/Diplomatic) or '5' (Other international),
AND is amended in such a way that the Additional SLE associated with the course reduces (as the formula to work out ASLE is based on E310 also) OR the course is no longer eligible for Additional SLE,
THEN reprocess all ASLE Allocations for each course admission for all the linked students (USI(584)) that are impacted by the amendment, and each corresponding change in total Allocated ASLE,
Then find for student
(1) the sum of allocated SLE which is Allocated OSLE + Allocated ASLE + Allocated LSLE + AllocatedRSLE for the student (E584_USI), truncated to 4 decimal places; and
(2) the sum of covered UEs where UE SLE use status is 'consumed' or 'reserved' for the student (E584_USI) including the incoming updated or reported UE, truncated to 4 decimal places
IF the value of (2) is greater than (1) for 1 or more students, then trigger the RTV error and prevent the change,
ELSE permit the change
Error Resolution
Please check the Course of Study type (E310) and Course of Study load (E350) that has been amended. Amending the Course of Study type (E310) or Course of Study load (E350) on the Course of Study record reduces the total Allocated Additional SLE then resulting in one or more students (USI (E584)) exceeding their SLE entitlement.