Validation error 10340

Unit Enrolment (UID16) record not required


Values for EFTSL (E339), Amount Charged (E384), Amount Paid Upfront (E381), Loan Fee (E529) or HELP Loan Amount (E558) already exist for this Unit Enrolment.

Error Logic

If an active Unit Enrolment AOU (UID19) record exists and the AOU Code (E333) is not blank (null) or the EFTSL (E339) is not blank (null) or the Amount Charged (E384) is not blank (null) or Amount Paid Upfront (E381) is not blank (null) or Loan Fee (E529) is not blank (null) or HELP Loan Amount (E558) is not blank, then the linked Unit Enrolment (UID16) record must have the following values set to blank (null) EFTSL (E339), Amount Charged (E384), Amount Paid Upfront (E381), Loan Fee (E529) and HELP Loan Amount (E558).

Error Resolution

Please check the Unit Enrolment (UID16) record. EFTSL (E339), Amount Charged (E384), Amount Paid Upfront (E381), Loan Fee (E529) or HELP Loan Amount (E558) cannot be reported in the Unit Enrolment (UID16) record if there is data for these elements in the Unit Enrolment AOU (UID19). If these elements need to be reported in the Unit Enrolment record without an AOU, the data against these elements will need to be removed from the Unit Enrolment AOU record.


ITSP Error Code: 10340
HEP: Yes
Rule type: Fatal
Related elements:
Element Name:
Packet: Unit enrolment packet 2022