Validation error 10188
Delivery location does not pass address validation
The delivery location data does not form a valid address in Australia.
Error Logic
For a given Campus Key (UID2), if the: Delivery Location Country Code (E660) is '1101' and Delivery Location Street Address (E627) is not blank (null) and Delivery Location Suburb (E678) is not blank (null) and Delivery Location State (E630) is not blank (null) and Delivery Location Postcode (E477) is not blank (null), then the combination of current non-blank location values must be valid for an existing Australian address.
Error Resolution
Please check the Delivery Location Street Address (E627), Delivery Location Suburb (E678), Delivery Location State (E630), Delivery Location Postcode (E477) and Delivery Location Country Code (E660) for the delivery location. The data supplied does not form a valid address in Australia.