Course prior credit packet (PIR) 2024

Version Details


The PIR course prior credit packet is used to report the credit values and codes (E560, E561 and E566) when credit is applied towards the requirements of the course for the student. A provider may create as many PIR course prior credit packets as necessary to add credits that are applied to a course for the student.


Providers are required to report a PIR course prior credit packet if credit is used towards an in-scope course admission. Additional packets are required when credit is applied to a course for a student and:

  • credit is received from more than one source of credit (E561 or E566); or
  • credit was not reported as part of the original PIR course admission packet.

Reporting deadlines

Before the first unit enrolment is linked to the course admission record.

Initial reporting requirement

ElementRequired reporting
E560: Credit used valueRequired if credit is used
E561: Credit basis codeRequired if credit is used
E566: Credit provider codeRequired if E561 has study at an Australian provider as a credit basis


Not applicable.