Aggregated awards packet 2022

Version Details


The aggregated awards packet is used to report an award course completion for a student who does not have a course admissions record with the provider that relates to the course completion. It is to be used where a student is to receive an award with a provider but they do not undertake any units of study with the provider in that course and there is therefore no need to establish a course admissions packet for the student, such as people who are to be awarded a higher doctorate. Each aggregated awards packet must be linked to an established student packet and an established course packet.


Providers are required to report an aggregated awards packet for each student who is to be granted a higher education award but does not have a course admissions record with the provider that relates to the completed course.

Initial reporting requirement


Reporting requirement


*UID8: Student resource key or

E313: Student identification code

Required for all in-scope aggregate awards

Within 7 days of the provider determining that the student has met the academic requirements to be granted an aggregate award

*UID5: Course resource key or

E307: Course code

Required for all in-scope aggregate awards

Within 7 days of the provider determining that the student has met the academic requirements to be granted an aggregate award

*E534: Course of study commencement date

Required for all in-scope aggregate awards

Within 7 days of the provider determining that the student has met the academic requirements to be granted an aggregate award

*E599: Course outcome code

Required for all in-scope aggregate awards

Within 7 days of the provider determining that the student has met the academic requirements to be granted an aggregate award

*E592: Course outcome date

Required for all in-scope aggregate awards

Within 7 days of the provider determining that the student has met the academic requirements to be granted an aggregate award

*E329: Mode of attendance code

Required for all in-scope aggregate awards

Within 7 days of the provider determining that the student has met the academic requirements to be granted an aggregate award

*E330: Type of attendance code

Required for all in-scope aggregate awards

Within 7 days of the provider determining that the student has met the academic requirements to be granted an aggregate award

E591: HDR thesis submission date

Required if the HDR student has submitted a thesis

Within 7 days of the provider determining that the student has met the academic requirements to be granted an aggregate award

Extension: specialisation – array structure for multiple values:    

*E463: Specialisation code

Required for all in-scope aggregate awards

Within 7 days of the provider determining that the student has met the academic requirements to be granted an aggregate award

*These elements must be reported together when an aggregate awards packet is created


Each aggregated award packet must have a unique combination of values for:

  • student (UID8 or E313)
  • course (UID5 or E307)
  • course of study commencement date (E534).

The combination of student (UID8 or E313), course (UID5 or E307) and course of study commencement date (E534) must also be unique across all course admissions packets and aggregated awards packets for the provider.

Revising and adding data

A provider can correct the data in an aggregated awards packet after the initial packet is reported. All values on an aggregated awards packet are to be correct as at the course outcome date (E592).

TCSI Data Entry file upload

There is one template for uploading all the information about Aggregated awards.

Templates for TCSI Data Entry are available on the Higher education file templates page.