Campus packet 2022

The campus packet is used to report data on the campuses from which providers deliver their courses. The data collected through a campus packet is referenced by one or more course on campus packets.


Providers are required to report a campus packet for each campus from which it delivers one or more courses that are within the scope of the course on campus packet.

Initial reporting requirement

Element Required reporting Deadline
*E525: Campus suburb Required for all in-scope campuses Before the first course on campus is linked to the campus
*E644: Campus country code Required for all in-scope campuses Before the first course on campus is linked to the campus
*E609: Campus effective from date Required for all in-scope campuses Before the first course on campus is linked to the campus
E559: Campus postcode Required for all in-scope campuses in Australia Before the first course on campus is linked to the campus
E610: Campus effective to date Optional n/a

*These elements must be reported together when a new campus packet is created


Each campus packet must:

Revising data

A provider can update or correct the data already in a campus packet after the initial packet is reported, as per the following table.

Element Revisions required
E525: Campus suburb Corrections only
E644: Campus country code Corrections only
E609: Campus effective from date Corrections only
E559: Campus postcode Update to current value
E610: Campus effective to date Optional update to current value

A campus packet cannot be deleted if it is linked to an active course on campus record.

TCSI Data Entry file upload

Templates for TCSI Data Entry are available on the Higher education file templates page.