Verification of TEQSA higher education 2021 student data

TESQA Higher education student data is now available in TCSI Analytics.

Verification is due by 30 September 2022 for the TESQA 2021 Higher Education Student (PIR) Collections.

The PIR is a formal information request under section 28 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act). It is a condition of your registration that you comply with a request for information made under this section by providing TEQSA with the requested information within the timeframe.

Verification is a declaration that the data reported for 2021 is complete, accurate and finalised.

Your PIR reporting obligation is only met once the data has been verified.

The PIR collection ensures that key data is available on all higher education providers to help inform TEQSA’s risk-based approach to regulating the sector.

The verification process gives you a final opportunity to check your data carefully so that it is accurate for TEQSA's risk assessment processes.


THE TEQSA Higher Education 2021 Student (PIR) Data Verification Process

To assist you with understanding how to navigate TCSI Analytics, the TCSI Analytics User Guide and coding notes for each of the reports are available from the TESQA Higher Education Data (PIR) Verification section on the TCSI Analytics | TCSI Support website.

We will continue to address your questions and will be holding a webinar on 20 September 2022, where we will provide an overview of the verification process for PIR providers. You can register to attend and view previous webinars on the help and support page.

If you have any questions relating verification, please email us at