The Bulk USI and TFN verification commenced on Friday 21 January 2022.
A second bulk USI verification commenced on Friday 28 January 2022 to capture records that did not trigger for verification in the first bulk verification.
The Bulk verification will assist providers to clear the backlog of unverified Unique Student Identifiers (USIs) and Tax File Numbers (TFNs). The bulk verification should initiate a further 12-week period for TFN checks and a 42-day period for USI checks, after which providers or their systems will need to re trigger verification by re submitting affected student records.
The Department is continuing to work on solutions to improve the current re-verification process and specific issues can be monitored through the 'identified issues in production' tracker. For any issues providers may encounter that are not on the identified issues in production list, please contact TCSIsupport@dese.gov.au.
For higher education enquiries about TFN verification, please contact help.policy@dese.gov.au.
For more information on USI, please see USI in higher education. Further information on creating, searching, or verifying a USI is available at www.usi.gov.au.