TCSI April Newsletter 2024
The TCSI Newsletter helps to keep our Higher Education and VET Student Loans providers up to date with the TCSI news.
Click on the headings below to find out more:
For VSL and Higher Education Providers
The correct reporting of Unit of Study Outcome Date (E601) in TCSI is critical for accurate loan data transfer, maintaining student payments, and data verification statistics. |
Providers are required to update the existing unit enrolment record within 7 days of the student withdrawing, completing, or failing a unit of study. The Unit of study outcome date (E601) data element specification provides guidance on selecting the correct date for withdrawals, completions, and failed units.
Higher education loans
TCSI will not create a loan for a unit enrolment that has been reported with a Unit of Study Outcome Date (E601) on or before the Unit of Study Census Date (E489). Any unit enrolment that already has a loan in TCSI, will have that loan deleted or reversed if the Unit of Study Outcome Date (E601) is updated by the provider to be on or before the Unit of Study Census Date (E489). Unit of Study Status Code (E355) does not affect the application of this rule for higher education loans.
VET Student Loans
TCSI will not create a loan for a unit enrolment that has been reported with a Unit of Study Outcome Date (E601) on or before the Unit of Study Census Date (E489), where the unit is reported as withdrawn i.e. Unit of Study Status Code (E355) is reported with a ‘1’ or ‘6’ value. Units reported as completed or failed before the census date may create a loan in TCSI (if other elements indicate a loan is required).
Any unit enrolment that already has a loan in TCSI, will have that loan deleted or reversed if the Unit of Study Outcome Date (E601) is updated by the provider to be on or before the Unit of Study Census Date (E489) and the Unit of Study Status Code (E355) is reported with a ‘1’ or ‘6’ value.
More information
More information on reporting withdrawals in TCSI can be found on the Reporting withdrawals and remissions in TCSI user guide.