2018 reporting year
This page provides information about the data requirements for the VET Student Loans and VET FEE‑HELP data collections in the 2018 reporting year.
The VET Student Loans program commenced on 1 January 2017. This is a vocational education and training student loans program, replacing the VET FEE‑HELP scheme.
The VET FEE‑HELP data collection supports the reporting of students who opt to continue their studies under the existing VET FEE‑HELP arrangements.
The reporting requirements for each collection are the same for 2018.
Select the tabs below for the information you need.
2018 Notices
Opens in a new window: 2018 Secretary's Notice for VET Student Loans PDF (628kB) OR
DOCX (60kB) (issued 13 December 2017); and
Opens in a new window: 2018 VET FEE‑HELP Ministerial Notice PDF (517kB) OR
2018 VET Ministerial Notice DOCX (65kB) (issued 13 December 2017)
Opens in a new window: VET Data Collections 2018 Reporting Schedule PDF (44kB) OR
VET Data Collections 2018 Reporting Schedule XLSX (71kB)
The guidelines and data elements are detailed on the What tab on this page.
Changes to the VET data collections have been consolidated in the 2018 VET Data Requirements and Change Control document. Reporting requirements may be updated from time to time. Providers must keep up to date about any changes.
Opens in a new window: 2018 VET Data Requirements and Change Control document PDF (131kB) OR
2018 VET Data Requirements and Change Control document DOCX (34kB)
What do you report?
The main submissions included in the VET data collections are provided on the VET - 2018 submission guidelines page.
A consolidated package of all the submissions guidelines is also available for you to view or print.
As part of your data requirements you will also need to allocate a CHESSN to some of your students. See the CHESSN toolkit for more information.
When do you report?
The key dates and reporting deadlines calendar provides you with the due dates for reporting VET data to the department.
For deadlines specific to the 2018 reporting year see the reporting schedule.
Opens in a new window: VET Data Collections 2018 Reporting Schedule PDF (44kB) OR
VET Data Collections 2018 Reporting Schedule XLSX (71kB)
From time to time you may be advised by the department to submit data earlier than the deadline. You must comply with any requests of this nature as required.
You must report data by the legislated deadlines.
It is important that you don't wait to the due date to start reporting your data. You will need enough time to prepare, validate and submit your data. You will need to work through any errors or issues contained in the data before the deadline.
How do you report?
Most VET student data (except the allocation of CHESSNs) is reported using the Higher Education Provider Client Assistance Tool (HEPCAT) which is a PC based application provided by the department. It helps you to prepare, validate and submit your data to HEIMS.
The Reporting with HEPCAT toolkit provides you with all the information you need to successfully install HEPCAT and submit your data. It includes system requirements (what type of PC you need to have), the HEPCAT user guide, access to relevant online training videos and recorded webinars.
For information about allocating and managing CHESSNs see the CHESSN toolkit.
Revising your data
You can revise your data reported to HEIMS at any time. You may need to revise your data if you identify an error when checking your data after a submission or when verifying your data during the verification periods.
The Revising your data toolkit provides you with the information you need to correct errors in data that you have reported to the Higher Education Information Management System (HEIMS). It will explain the different methods of revising your VET data.
Need more help?
Our training page provides upcoming training dates and access to recorded webinars and training videos.
We can help you work out a training program for your organisation. Contact us for more information.