VET Student Enrolment (VEN) file structure

Version Details

Version: 3.0
First Year: 2012
Last Year:

Elements on the VET Enrolment (VEN) file

Type of record and element name Element number Position Width Data type
Student identification code 313 1-10 10 Alphanumeric
Course code 307 11-20 10 Alphanumeric
Date of Birth 314 21-28 8 Numeric
Gender code 315 29 1 Alphanumeric
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander code 316 30 1 Numeric
Location code of term residence 319 31-35 5 Alphanumeric
Location code of permanent home residence 320 36-40 5 Alphanumeric
New basis for admission to current course 327 41-42 2 Numeric
Type of attendance code 330 43 1 Numeric
Country of birth code 346 44-47 4 Numeric
Year of arrival in Australia 347 48-51 4 Alphanumeric
Language spoken at home code 348 52-55 4 Numeric
Credit offered value 565 56-59 4 Numeric
Credit /status Higher Education provider code 566 60-63 4 Numeric
Filler 3 spaces N/A 64-66 3 Alphanumeric
Disability 386 67-74 8 Numeric
Filler 5 spaces N/A 75-79 5 Alphanumeric
Commencing location code of permanent home residence 476 80-84 5 Alphanumeric
Name of suburb/town/locality 486 85-111 27 Alphanumeric
Filler 5 spaces N/A 112-116 5 Alphanumeric
Highest educational participation prior to commencement 493 117-122 6 Numeric
Filler 2 spaces N/A 123-124 2 Alphanumeric
Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN) 488 125-134 10 Numeric
Reporting Year and Period Code 415 135-139 5 Numeric
Credit used value 560 140-143 4 Numeric
Details of prior study for which credit/RPL was offered 561 144-147 4 Numeric
Field of education of prior VET study for which credit/RPL was offered 562 148-151 4 Numeric
Level of education of prior VET study for which credit/RPL was offered 563 152-154 3 Numeric
Type of provider where VET study was undertaken 564 155-156 2 Numeric
Filler 4 spaces N/A 157-160 4 Alphanumeric
Filler 50 spaces N/A 161-210 50 Alphanumeric
Filler 4 spaces N/A 211-214 4 Alphanumeric
Study Reason Identifier 575 215-216 2 Alphanumeric
Labour Force Status Identifier 576 217-218 2 Alphanumeric

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