
A code which indicates the student's or applicant’s highest educational participation and last year of that participation prior to the first enrolment in the course of study.


Version: 5.0
First year: 2014
Last year: 2014
Element name: Highest educational participation prior to commencement

Code format:

Data Type: Numeric
Units: Code (numeric)
Width: 6


000000 Overseas student
010000 Not a commencing student

A commencing domestic student for whom highest educational participation and last year of participation prior to commencement is OR an applicant’s highest educational participation as reported on their application is:

02YYYY A complete Higher education postgraduate level course
03YYYY A complete Higher education bachelor level course
04YYYY A complete Higher education sub-degree level course
05YYYY An incomplete Higher education course
07YYYY A complete final year of secondary education course at school or through a Registered Training Organisation
08YYYY Other qualification, complete or incomplete
090000 No prior educational attainment
10YYYY A complete VET award course
11YYYY An incomplete VET award course

Coding notes

YYYY is the year of the completion or last year of highest participation.
If no information is available for year, code as “9999”

05YYYY is reported when the student's/applicant's highest participation was for an incomplete higher education course at the sub-degree, bachelor or postgraduate level

Record the highest AQF level of participation, regardless of whether it was completed or not.
The order of these codes is not strictly hierarchical, due to the addition of codes over time.

Applications and Offers Data Collection only:

HEPs - data is required in both submissions.

TACs - data is required in detailed submissions but discretionary in preliminary submission.

For TACs refer to TAC Data Elements Map for more information.

The codes 000000 and 010000 are not applicable to the Application and Offers Data Collection.

Please refer to the Glossary for further information about terminology used in this document.

Input files

Higher Education Student:

  • Student Enrolment (EN)
  • Enrolment Revisions (ER)

University Applications and Offers:

  • Application Details (AD)


  • Student Enrolment (VEN)
  • VET Enrolment Revisions (VER)

Change History

Details of all versions of this data element can be found on its supporting information page.

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