Higher Education Commonwealth Scholarships Live Data Report

How to read this report

This report provides information on the number of Commonwealth scholarships across the following Commonwealth scholarship types (E545: Commonwealth Scholarship type) and Commonwealth scholarship statuses (E526: Commonwealth scholarship status code):

  • Commonwealth scholarship types (E545: Commonwealth Scholarship type)
    • A – Indigenous Commonwealth Education Costs Scholarship (Indigenous CECS)
    • B – Indigenous Commonwealth Accommodation Scholarship (Indigenous CAS)
    • C – Indigenous Commonwealth Reward Scholarship (Indigenous CS Reward)
  • Commonwealth scholarship status code (E526: Commonwealth scholarship status code)
    • 1 – Current
    • 2 – Deferred

Layout of the report

Slicer on the left side of the report enables users to select student by:

  • Reporting Year
  • Reporting Period

The following table identifies the components used to construct the report:

Field Coding notes
Reporting Period (Period 1, Period 2)

Value reported in Reporting Period (E666: Reporting Period)

  • 1 - Between 1 January and 30 June
  • 2 - Between 1 July to 31 December
Commonwealth Scholarship Status

Value reported in Commonwealth scholarship status code (E526: Commonwealth scholarship status code)

  • 1 - Current
  • 2 - Deferred
Commonwealth Scholarship Type Value reported in Commonwealth scholarship type code (E545: Commonwealth Scholarship type)


Deleted records are excluded in the report.