Validation error 10541

Inconsistent Highest Educational Attainment Code Parent 2 (E574)/Highest Educational Attainment Code Parent 1 (E573) combination


Attempt to report a known Highest Educational Attainment Code Parent 2 (E574) while the Highest Educational Attainment Code Parent 1 (E573) is unknown.

Error Logic

If the Highest Educational Attainment Code Parent 1 (E573) is '99' and the Highest Educational Attainment Code Parent 2 (E574) is not blank (null), then the Highest Educational Attainment Code Parent 2 (E574) must be '99'.

Error Resolution

It is not possible to report that the Highest Educational Attainment Code Parent 2 (E574) is known (a code other than '99') while the Highest Educational Attainment Code Parent 1 (E573) is unknown ('99'). If the highest education is only known for one parent, please report the appropriate code for parent 1. An unknown code of '99' can only be reported for parent 1 if the code for parent 2 is also '99' or is blank.


ITSP Error Code: 10541
HEP: Yes
Rule type: Fatal
Related elements:
Element Name: Highest educational attainment parent 2
Packet: Student packet 2022