Validation error 10393
Multiple Commonwealth Scholarship Type (E545) offers in same Reporting Year (E415)/Reporting Period (E666)
Error Logic
If the Commonwealth Scholarship Status Code (E526) is not blank (null) and the Commonwealth Scholarship Status Code (E526) is '7', then there would normally not be another Commonwealth Scholarship Status Code (E526) of '7' the same combination of Reporting Year (E415)/Reporting Period (E666) Commonwealth Scholarship Type (E545)/CHESSN (E488).
Error Resolution
Please check the Commonwealth Scholarship Status Code (E526), Commonwealth Scholarship Type (E545) and CHESSN (E488) for the Reporting Year (E415) and Reporting Period (E666) for the student. Although a student may receive scholarship offers from multiple higher education providers, there may be a risk of over-payment if the student accepts and receives the same Commonwealth Scholarship Type (E545) in the same period (E415/E666) from multiple higher education providers.