Validation error 10339
Delivery Location Postcode (E477) not required
The Delivery Location Postcode (E477) has been reported for an offshore location.
Error Logic
If the Delivery Location Country Code (E660) is not blank (null) and is not '1101', '1102' or '1199', then the Delivery Location Postcode (E477) must be blank (null).
Error Resolution
Please check the Delivery Location Country Code (E660). If the location is not in Australia, that is, if E660 is not '1101', '1102' or '1199', then the Delivery Location Postcode (E477) must be left blank.
ITSP Error Code: | 10339 |
HEP: | No |
VET: | Yes |
PIR: | Yes |
TAC: | No |
Rule type: | Fatal |
Related elements: | |
Element Name: | Delivery location postcode |
Packet: |
Delivery location packet 2022 Unit enrolment packet (PIR) 2021 |