Casual staff estimates packet 2024

Version Details


The casual staff estimates packet is used to report an estimate of the staffing resources that are likely to be engaged on a contract basis by a provider throughout the year. Data for casual staff estimates are collected at the institutional level.


Higher education providers are required to report an estimate of the resources that are likely be engaged on a casual work contract basis throughout the year. Data is to be reported in relation to estimated casual academic staff whose work duties will relate either solely to higher education or to both higher education and vocational education and training.

Data is not to be reported for staff:

  • who are members of staff appointed for a limited term with a full-time or fractional full-time work contract
  • whose duties relate solely to vocational education and training, or
  • in any independent operation which is not a controlled entity.

Reporting deadlines

The estimate of casual staff FTE for the whole of calendar year 2024 must be reported by 28 June 2024.

Initial reporting requirement

ElementReporting requirement
E415: Reporting yearAll in-scope institutions
E515: Estimated casual FTE reference yearAll in-scope institutions


Each casual staff estimates packet must have a unique reporting year (E415) for the provider.

Revising and adding data

A provider can correct any data already in a casual staff estimates packet after the initial packet is reported, noting that the packet must always contain the estimate for the reporting year (E415).