What are notifications?
To the extent possible, providers will receive near real time responses to the submission of data. That is, if data is supplied that is either incorrect or inconsistent with information already stored in the database, an error or warning message will be sent almost immediately so that a provider can correct and resubmit data.
Real-time messaging is not possible where the system needs to call on other systems (for example, ATO systems) or data issues are identified by system generated processes (for example, data completeness checks). In these instances, messages are posted onto each provider’s notification table and the provider can check and retrieve these messages.
Each provider has its own notification table, which contains messages that the provider will need to take action on to ensure the accuracy and completeness of its data.
How does a provider access its notification table?
For providers using APIs, notifications messages can be obtained through the Notifications API endpoint.
TCSI Analytics will host a report view of Notifications for all providers which can be downloaded.
For providers using TCSI Data Entry, notification messages can also be obtained through the Notifications tab, including a basic download functionality.
What notifications are available?
How long do messages remain in the notifications table?
Notifications remain on the notifications table until the provider takes action in relation to the message:
- TFN messages are removed once a TFN is verified by the ATO or a new TFN is reported by the provider
- USI messages are removed once a USI is verified by the USI Office or a new USI is reported by the provider
- Scheduled validation messages are removed after the overnight process detects that the missing data has been reported.
This means that the notifications table can be used as a 'to-do' list. An empty notifications table for a provider indicates that there is no missing or unverified data in the system for the provider. Please note that messages removed from the database may still appear in TCSI Analytics until an additional overnight refresh (delay does not apply to notifications retrieved by software performing API GET calls).