Campus course fees packet 2022

Version Details


The campus course fees (CCF) packet is used, for a given course on campus, to report changes through time to data in the campus course fee extension. The first CCF packet for a course on campus is created as part of the course on campus packet. A provider may create as many additional CCF packets as necessary to report changes to the CCF information for a course through time.


Providers are required to report a CCF packet only when there is a change to E536, E495 or E496 for a course on campus.

Initial reporting requirements

Element Required reporting Deadline
*E536: Course fees code Required if there is a change through time to E536, E495 or E496 for an existing course on campus Within 7 days of the change to fees having affect
*E609: CCF effective from date Required if there is a change through time to E536, E495 or E496 for an existing course on campus Within 7 days of the change to fees having affect
E495: Indicative student contribution amount for CSP Required if Commonwealth supported places are offered for the course Within 7 days of the change to fees having affect
E496: Indicative tuition fee for a domestic fee-paying place Required if domestic fee-paying places are offered for the course Within 7 days of the change to fees having affect

*These elements must be reported together when a new CCF packet is created


Each CCF packet must have a value for CCF effective from date (E609) that is unique for the course on campus.

Revising data

Providers can correct any data submitted in a CCF packet, with the following limitations:

  • the CCF effective from date (E609) for the first CCF packet cannot be amended as this is a system generated date that remains linked to the course on campus effective from date (E609)
  • only the CCF packets at the end of the time series can be deleted
  • a CCF effective from date (E609) cannot be amended in a way that would create a gap or overlap in the time series of CCF data for a course on campus.

TCSI Data Entry file upload

Campus course fees are updated on the course on campus file available for download on the Course on campus group page.