Adjusted Loans

An adjusted loan is a loan that was only partially covered by the students available HELP balance. The adjustment will be made by the TCSI system to reduce the reported HELP loan amount (E558) and associated Loan fee (E529) down to the available HELP balance for the student.

Adjusted loans can be identified by the following A130 loan statuses:


An Adjusted loan amount (E662) will be populated where an adjustment has been made to a HELP loan amount (E558) and an Adjusted loan fee (E663) will be populated where an adjustment has been made to a Loan fee (E529).

More information on adjusted loans and loan serviceability can be found in the Loan processing for HECS HELP, FEE HELP and VSL loans user guide.

Application of glossary term:
  • Higher Education Student Collection
  • VET Collections
  • SA-HELP loan (HE)
  • Unit enrolment (HE)
  • Unit enrolment (VET)