Element E509 - Current duties classification group code


A code which identifies the classification type and level group for a member of staff in respect of their current duties

Input Packets

Packets/Groups it appears in:

Showing 0 of 2.

Scheduled Validations


Code category Element (E)
Element # 509
Element Type: String
Width: 2
Version Revision Date:
Version: 5.00
Years version active: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025

Allowable Values

Academic classification level group:


Above Senior lecturer:

  • Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor
  • Principal and Deputy Principal
  • Professor, Head of School and College Fellow (Level E, all increments)
  • Associate Professor, Principal Lecturer (Level D, all increments)
E408 = 001 to 041
02Senior lecturer (Level C, all increments)E408 = 042 to 065
03Lecturer (Level B, all increments)E408 = 066 to 099
04Below lecturer (Level A, all increments)E408 = 100 to 128
11Non-academic classification level groupE408 = 200 to 220