Element E493 - Highest educational participation prior to commencement
A code which indicates the student's or applicant’s highest educational participation and last year of that participation prior to the first enrolment in the course of study.
Input Packets
Packets/Groups it appears in:
Scheduled Validations
Code category | Element (E) |
Element # | 493 |
Element Type: | Integer |
Width: | 6 |
Version Revision Date: | |
Version: | 6.00 |
Years version active: | 2019 |
Allowable Values
000000 | Overseas student |
010000 | Not a commencing student |
A commencing domestic student for whom highest educational participation and last year of participation prior to commencement is OR an applicant's highest educational participation as reported on their application is:
02YYYY | A complete Higher education postgraduate level course |
03YYYY | A complete Higher education bachelor level course |
04YYYY | A complete Higher education sub‑degree level course |
05YYYY | An incomplete Higher education course |
07YYYY | A complete final year of secondary education course at school or through a Registered Training Organisation |
08YYYY | Other qualification, complete or incomplete |
090000 | No prior educational attainment |
10YYYY | A complete VET award course |
11YYYY | An incomplete VET award course |
YYYY is the year of the completion or last year of highest participation.
If no information is available for year, code as "9999"
05YYYY is reported when the student's/applicant's highest participation was for an incomplete higher education course at the sub‑degree, bachelor or postgraduate level
Record the highest AQF level of participation, regardless of whether it was completed or not.
The order of these codes is not strictly hierarchical, due to the addition of codes over time.
Applications and Offers only
Data is required in both submissions.
Data is required in detailed submissions but discretionary in preliminary submission.
The codes 000000 and 010000 are not applicable to the Application and Offers Data Collection.
VET only
Reporting of data for this element is optional. VET providers may submit null values (spaces) instead of any of the listed codes
TCSI Support Change History
Revision Data | Change Details | Change Reason |
2014-05-22 |
Element 493 was introduced in 2005 as part of the Higher Education student data collection under the new policy and program initiatives introduced under the Higher Education Support Act 2003 which was implemented in 2005. It replaced the following elements:
- 359 (Prior postgraduate course – year)
- 360 (Prior degree course – year)
- 361 (Prior sub-degree course (not at TAFE) – year)
- 362 (Prior sub-degree course (at TAFE) – year)
- 363 (Prior TAFE award course – year)
- 364 (Prior secondary education course at TAFE – year)
- 365 (Prior secondary education course at school – year)
- 366 (Prior other qualification/certificate – year)
In 2008 the emphasis for Element 493 changed from "highest level of attainment" to "highest prior level of participation" It was also amended to include provision to record both complete and incomplete VET study.
In 2009 it was included in the VET FEE‑HELP data collection.
Table 1. Change control information with links to relevant versions 1
First year version applied | Last year version applied | Version | Change | Reason for change | Notice date | Issue date |
2015 | 2020 | 6.00 |
2014 | 2014 | 5.00 | Applications and Offers Data Collection - Updated coding notes to include reference to TAC's Data Elements Map in the HEIMS Web Services Specification. | To clarify information | 27 Mar 2013 | 27 Mar 2013 |
2013 | 2013 | 4.10 | Updated coding notes for clarification | For clarification | 14 Feb 2012 | 18 Dec 2012 |
2012 | 2012 | 3.00 | New versioning applied to data elements | No change in requirements - Implementation of new document management system. | 11 Mar 2011 | 11 Mar 2011 |
2009 | 2009 | 1.30 | Addition of coding notes of VET input files; and change to element description and code meanings to accommodate use by VET providers | Introduction of VET FEE‑HELP | 5 Dec 2008 | 5 Dec 2008 |
2008 | 2008 | 1.20 | Element has been modified to record highest prior level of participation and record both complete and incomplete VET study | VET credit transfer | 19 Jul 2007 | 19 Jul 2007 |
2006 | 2007 | 1.10 | Words "of study" added to Element description, now reads "A code which indicates the student's highest educational attainment and year of attainment prior to the first enrolment in the course of study" | Clarification | 18 Dec 2006 | 18 Dec 2006 |
2005 | 2005 | 1.00 | Coding and code meanings modified to support the policy and program initiatives under HESA 2003 | Introduced as an outcome of the 'Data requirements review' and replaced elements: 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365 & 366 | 9 Dec 2004 | 9 Dec 2004 |
Pre‑HESA: There is no earlier version of this element. |
Note 1: A version of an element can be associated with one or more reporting years. Where there are multiple versions applicable to a reporting year, only a link to the latest version is provided.