Validation error 10337
Unit Enrolment AOU record (UID19) not required
Error Logic
If an active Unit Enrolment (UID16) record exists and the EFTSL (E339) is not blank (null) or the Amount Charged (E384) is not blank (null) or Amount Paid Upfront (E381) is not blank (null) or Loan Fee (E529) is not blank (null) or HELP Loan Amount (E558) is not blank, then a Unit Enrolment AOU (UID19) must not be reported for that Unit Enrolment (UID16).
Error Resolution
Please check the Unit Enrolment (UID16) record. A Unit Enrolment AOU (UID19) cannot be reported if the EFTSL (E339), Amount Charged (E384), Amount Paid Upfront (E381), Loan Fee (E529) or HELP Loan Amount (E558) have previously been reported against the Unit Enrolment (UID16). If these elements need to be reported against an AOU, the data against these elements will need to be removed from the Unit Enrolment record.