Reporting effective dates (E609/E610)
What are effective dates?
Course effective from date (E609)
Acceptable round-down E609 = 2023-07-01.
System default: No system default, data must be submitted.
Data constraints: Course effective from date (E609) must be on or before any linked:
- field of education effective from date (E609)
- special interest course effective from date (E609)
- course on campus effective from date (E609)
- course of study commencement date (E534)
Course effective to date (E610)
Application: Not required. Providers can use the effective to date to prevent any future activity against a course.
System default: Defaults to ‘null’.
Data constraints: Course effective to date (E610) must be on or after:
- the course effective from date (E609)
- any linked special interest course effective to date (E610)
- any linked course on campus effective to date (E610)
- any linked course of study commencement date (E534)
- any linked course outcome date (E592)
Field of education effective from date (E609)
Definition: The date on which changes to the course requirements/curriculum that affect the field of education codes are implemented.
Application: Applies only if a field of education (E461/461) actually changes after the course has started. Applies to HEPs only.
Example: The faculty executives meet on 23 March 2019 and decide to change the course content so that the course becomes more of a geophysics course than a geology course. The new course rules and content apply to all (new and continuing) students in the course from 2 January 2020. The first unit that a student does in the course since the change starts on 3 March 2020.
E609 = 2020-01-02. Rounding is not acceptable.
If the change only applies to newly admitted students, then a new course will need to be established so that the continuing students stay in the geology course and the new students are in the geophysics course.
System default: The first field of education effective from date (E609) is set to the course effective from date (E609). This first date cannot be directly amended as it stays locked to the course effective from date (E609). The second and subsequent E609s are reportable and amendable.
Data constraints:
- Cannot amend the first field of education effective from date (E609) for the course.
- Any new field of education effective from dates (E609) can only be created after the first system generated field of education effective from date (E609).
Field of education effective to date (E610)
System default: The field of education effective from dates (E610) are system generated and cannot be reported or amended. This is so the system can ensure that there are never any gaps or overlaps in the field of education data for a course.
Special interest course effective from date (E609)
Definition: The date on which a course becomes a special interest course.
Application: Applies only if the course is of special interest. Applies to HEPs only.
Example: The counselling course has been offered since 1 January 2006. On 6 September 2023, the Australian Psychological Society agrees to register the course as one accredited for professional registration as a psychologist with immediate effect.
E609 = 2023-09-06. Rounding is not acceptable.
If the Australian Psychological Society agrees to register the course as one accredited for professional registration as a psychologist from 1 January 2024.
E609 = 2024-01-01. Rounding is not acceptable.
System default: If a special course type (E312) is reported when the course record is first created, then the special interest course effective from date (E609) will default to the course effective from date (E609). It is possible to amend this first special interest course effective from date (E609).
Data constraints:
- The dates for which a course is a special interest course must align with the appropriate field of education codes (E461/462) and the fields of education effective dates (E609/E610).
- The special interest course effective from date (E609) must be on or after the course effective from date (E609)
- The special interest course effective from date (E609) must be on or before the course effective to date (E610)
Special interest course effective to date (E610)
Definition: The date on which a course stops being a special interest course.
Application: Applies only if the course was of special interest but stops being so. Applies to HEPs only.
Example: The counselling course has been accredited as one leading to professional registration as a psychologist. On 6 September 2023, the Australian Psychological Society decides to cancel the accreditation of the course as one leading to professional registration as a psychologist with immediate effect. The provider continues to offer the course as a generic counselling course until the end of 2025.
E610 = 2023-09-06. Rounding is not acceptable.
System default: Defaults to ‘null’. Data must be submitted if the course stops being a special interest course.
Data constraints:
- The dates for which a course is a special interest course must align with the appropriate field of education codes (E461/462) and the fields of education effective dates (E609/E610).
- Cannot create a combination of special interest course effective from and to dates (E609/E610) that create overlapping special course type (E312) data.
- The special interest course effective to date (E610) must be on or before the course effective to date (E610).
Campus effective from date (E609)
Definition: A date that is earlier than effective dates on any linked packets. The date does not need to reflect when a campus began to operate.
Application: Applies to all campuses (HEPs) and delivery locations (VET).
System default: no system default, data must be submitted.
Data constraints: Campus effective from date (E609) must be on or before any linked:
- Course on campus effective from date (E609) (HEPs only)
- Unit of study commencement date (E600) (VET only)
Campus effective to date (E610)
Application: Not required. Providers can use the effective to date to prevent any future activity against campus.
System default: Defaults to ‘null’.
Data constraints: The campus effective to date (E610) must be on or after:
- the campus effective from date (E609)
- any linked course on campus effective to date (E610) (HEPs only)
- any linked unit of study outcome date (E601) (VET only)
Course on campus effective from date (E609)
Definition: The date that the course at the campus is open to receive its first student admission, with a round-down to the nearest half year acceptable.
Application: Applies to HEPs only.
Example: A provider has been delivering the course since 1974. On 2 August 2022 the university decides to start offering and admitting students to the course at the new campus from 2 January 2023. The first student is admitted to the course at the campus on 28 January 2023 and the student commences their first unit in that course at that campus on 5 March 2023.
Most accurate E609 = 2023-01-02.
Acceptable round-down E609 = 2023-01-01.
System default: No system default, data must be submitted.
Data constraints: The course on campus effective from date (E609) must be:
- on or after the linked campus effective from date (E609)
- on or after the linked course effective from date (E609)
Course on campus effective to date (E610)
Definition: The date that an arrangement to deliver a course at an offshore campus stopped.
Application (offshore campus): Applies if the arrangement to deliver the course at the offshore campus stops. Revise to ‘null’ if the arrangement resumes.
Application (Australian campus): Not required.
Example: The provider stops offering a course at its Shanghai campus on 30 June 2024. Continuing students are allowed to keep studying in the course at the offshore campus until the end 31 October 2026. After that, their enrolment is transferred to another campus.
Most accurate E610 = 2026-10-31.
Acceptable round-up E610 = 2026-12-31.
System default: Defaults to ‘null’.
Data constraints: The course on campus effective to date (E610) must be:
- on or after the course on campus effective from date (E609)
- on or before the linked campus effective to date (E610)
- on or before the linked course effective to date (E610)
Campus course fee effective from date (E609)
Definition: The date from which the course campus fee data (E536, E495 and E496) is true, with a round-down to the nearest year acceptable.
Application: Applies if a HEP changes course/campus fee data for the course or ceases to offer a course at an Australian campus. Applies to HEPs only.
Example 1: In October 2023, the provider determines that the tuition fees will increase for the course, with the new fees having an impact on first year students starting the course from 28 February 2024.
Most accurate E610 = 2024-02-28.
Acceptable round-down E609 = 2024-01-01.
Example 2: A Course is no longer offered at an Australian campus after 31 March 2025. A new Course campus fee extension is reported with E536 Course fees code equal to ‘0’ (Course not offered to domestic students). While teaching out the course at the campus, null values would be reported for indicative fees (E495 and E496). The E609 on the new extension would be:
Most accurate E609 = 2025-04-01.
Acceptable round-down E609 = 2025-01-01.
System default: The first campus course fee effective from date (E609) is set to the course on campus effective from date (E609). This first date cannot be directly amended as it stays locked to the course on campus effective from date (E609). The second and subsequent campus course fee effective from dates (E609) are reportable and amendable.
Data constraints:
- Cannot amend the campus course fee effective from date (E609) for the course.
- Any new campus course fee effective from dates (E609) can only be created after the first system generated campus course fee effective from date (E609).
Course campus fee effective to date (E610)
System default: The course campus effective to dates (E610) are system generated and cannot be reported or amended. This is so the system can ensure that there are never any gaps or overlaps in the course campus fee data for a course.
Disability effective from date (E609)
Definition: The date on which the student advises the provider that they have a disability.
Application: Applies if the student advises that they have a disability.
Example: A person was diagnosed with a vision impairment in 1996. They are admitted to a course at the provider and complete enrolment information on 18 January 2020, which indicates they have a vision impairment.
E609 = 2020-01-18
System default: The first disability effective from date (E609) defaults to the date the student packet was submitted to TCSI. This date can be amended. If a student has more than one disability, the disability effective from dates (E609) will need to be reported.
Data constraints: Nil.
Disability effective to date (E610)
Definition: The date on which the student advises the provider that they no longer have a disability.
Application: Applies only if the student provides information that their disability no longer exists.
Example: An existing student has previously advised that they have a mental illness and this has been reported to TCSI. The student completes their course but then enrols in a new course. The provider asks the student to re-report or check existing information held on the student’s record, including items such as address information and disability status. The student completes that information on 15 February 2023 but the student now advises that they do not have any disabilities.
E610 = 2023-02-15
System default: defaults to ‘null’.
Data constraints: Disability effective to date (E610) must be on or after:
- disability effective from date (E609)
Citizenship effective from date (E609)
Definition: The date on which the provider receives evidence of a student’s citizen resident status (either when enrolling or when their citizenship resident status changes).
Application: Applies only if the student provides evidence that their citizenship or residence status has changed.
Example: The student advises on their first enrolment that they are a permanent resident and provides evidence to this effect. The student record with this information is created in TCSI on 15 January 2023. On 15 February 2024, the student advises the provider that they are now an Australian Citizen and provides a copy of their citizenship certificate indicating that they became a citizen on 26 January 2024.
System default: The first citizenship effective from date (E609) defaults to the date the student packet was submitted to TCSI. This date can be amended. If a student’ citizen resident status changes, the effective from dates (E609) will need to be reported.
Data constraints: Nil.
- Any new citizenship effective from dates (E609) can only be created after the first system generated citizenship effective from date (E609)
- Citizenship effective from date (E609) must be on or before any Unit of study census date (E489) in a Unit enrolment linked to the student.
Citizenship effective to date (E610)
System default: The citizenship effective to dates (E610) are system generated and cannot be reported or amended. This is so the system can ensure that there are never any gaps or overlaps in the citizen and resident status for the student.
HDR end-user engagement effective from date (E609)
Definition: The first day an enrolled HDR student engages in research and development (R&D) activities with a research end-user.
Application: Applies only if the HDR student engages in R&D activities with a research end-user. Applies to HEPs only.
Example: A student started their research doctorate on 1 March 2020 and completed on 23 April 2023. During their course, the student undertook a research internship, which was agreed to in written form on 13 April 2020, started on 10 May 2020 and concluded on 23 December 2020.
The provider should report the following in E609:
E609 = 2020-05-10
System default: defaults to ‘null’.
Data constraints: HDR end-user engagement effective from date (E609) must be:
- on or after the course of study commencement date (E534)
- on or before the course of study outcome date (E592)
HDR end-user engagement effective to date (E610)
Definition: The last day an enrolled HDR student engages in research and development (R&D) activities with a research end-user.
Application: Applies only if the HDR student has engaged in R&D activities with a research end-user during their course. Applies to HEPs only.
Example 1: A student started their research doctorate on 1 March 2020 and completed on 23 April 2023. During their course, the student undertook a research internship, which was agreed to in written form on 13 April 2020, started on 10 May 2020 and concluded on 23 December 2020.
By the student’s completion, the provider should report the following in E610:
E610 = 2020-12-23
Example 2: A research doctorate student advises the provider that they undertook two separate end-user engagements at the same time. Both engagements would be classified with the same value for Higher Degree by Research End-User Engagement Code (E593). The first engagement began on 12 March 2022 and ended 11 July 2022. Before it ended, the second engagement began 12 May 2022 and ended 16 October 2022. Together the two arrangements span 16 March 2022 to 16 October 2022.
Because the multiple instances of end-user engagement overlap, the provider should report just one, either:
E609 = 2022-03-12
E610 = 2022-07-11
E609 = 2022-05-12
E610 = 2022-10-16
System default: defaults to ‘null’.
Data constraints: HDR end-user engagement effective to date (E610) must be:
- on or after HDR end-user engagement effective from date (E609)
- on or before the course of study outcome date (E592)
Scholarship effective from date (E609)
Definition: The date on which the student starts receiving benefits under the Research Training Program (RTP).
Application: Applies only if the HDR student starts receiving a benefit under the RTP. Applies to HEPs only.
Example: A student starts their PhD on 1 March 2020. On 23 June 2020, the provider advises the student that they will start receiving an RTP Stipend from 15 July 2020 to 15 July 2021.
E609 = 2020-07-15
System default: defaults to ‘null’.
Data constraints: Scholarship effective from date (E609) must be:
- on or after the course of study commencement date (E534)
- on or before the course of study outcome date (E592)
Scholarship effective to date (E610)
Definition: The date on which the student stops receiving benefits under the Research Training Program (RTP).
Application: Applies only if the HDR student stops receiving a benefit under the RTP. Applies to HEPs only.
Example: Continuing from the example above, the student started receiving an RTP stipend on 15 July 2021, which was due to terminate on 19 December 2021. However, due to an administrative error, the scholarship was first reported as terminating on 15 November 2021.
First reported value:
E610 = 2021-11-15
Updated value:
E610 = 2021-12-19
System default: defaults to ‘null’.
Data constraints: Scholarship effective to date (E610) must be:
- on or after scholarship effective from date (E609)
- on or before the course of study outcome date (E592)