How to reactivate an expired B2B device

Follow the steps below to re-activate an expired B2B device.

  1. Navigate to your organisation in PRODA.
  2. Expand the B2B Devices section and click on Device Name.
  3. Click on the name of the software instance, then click Disable B2B Device, and then click Remove B2B Device code.
  4. Click Register New B2B Device to create a new B2B device.
  5. Once you've registered a device, you will get a unique Device Activation Code. This code is valid for 30 days in Vendor and 60 minutes in Production.
  6. To activate your device, you need to either:
    • use the Device Activation Code in your software
    • give the Device Activation Code to your software developer.
  7. The vendor software will then prepare the request for device activation. The request parameters will include the device name and are conveyed in the body of a HTTP request. The request body includes:
    • Device activation code
    • Public key
    • PRODA organisation ID
    • Device name
  8. Submit the request as a HTTPS request.

PRODA will then:

  • verify the device activation code
  • activate the device for the organisation
  • store the public key against the device.

Once the device is active, it will remain active for 62 months in Vendor and for 6 months in Production.

The device RSA key pairs must be periodically refreshed for the device to stay active. RSA key pair is valid for 180 days in Vendor and 11 days in Production.

PRODA strongly recommends monitoring the key expiry and automatically refreshing the device key pairs before the current key expires.