Provider Information Request - Staff 2025
The Provider Information Request (PIR) is a request for information under Section 28 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act). This document sets out the reporting requirements for the Provider Information Request (PIR) for implementation in 2025.
All data is reported in data packets, as described in this document. Each packet comprises data elements. Detailed specifications for each data element are available from the TCSI Support Data Element Dictionary.
Some data packets include ‘extensions’, which enable providers to report more than one value for a data element or a group of data elements. These groups may be time-based and allow the reporting of changes in the characteristic of a course, student, etc. through time.
Reporting method
All data must be reported through:
- an application programming interface (API) from each provider’s student management system to the Government, or
- TCSI Data Entry.
Providers can report new and revised data as soon as the data is available. The system can receive information about past events and some events that are planned to occur (e.g. the establishment of a course in the following year).
Please ensure you are confident that your data is accurate before submitting to TCSI.
Compliance with due dates
The deadline for reporting and verifying PIR staff data is 27 June 2025. See each packet that makes up the 2025 staff collection for details on the reference date/period:
The PIR is a request for information made pursuant to Section 28 of the TEQSA Act. Each provider is required to comply with a request made by TEQSA under Section 28 as a condition of their registration. A provider that fails to comply with the PIR, by failing to provide the relevant accurate and complete data on time, may breach a condition of its registration.
Providers that breach conditions of registration can be subject to various forms of sanction including infringement notices, civil penalties, and administrative sanctions (e.g. shortening of registration or accreditation or the imposition of additional conditions on registration or accreditation). TEQSA will take any failure to respond to the PIR on time, in compliance with section 28, very seriously because the data requested is key to TEQSA performing its functions.
A failure by a provider to comply with this request in a timely manner adversely impacts the up-front payments tuition protection levy’s risk factor results and can impede TEQSA’s ability to calculate the base component of the Registered Higher Education Provider charge for all providers. It is therefore important that providers allocate enough time to prepare, test, submit and validate their data before the applicable deadline.
More information
For more information about terms used in these guidelines see the glossary.
Contact TCSI Support
If you need technical assistance for data submission please contact us at
Contact TEQSA
TEQSA's Information Management team can be contacted at regarding the scope and timing of the collection as well as administrative queries.