RTP stipend amount packet 2021

Version Details


The RTP stipend amount packet is used to report the amount of stipend awarded to a student under the Research Training Program (RTP) for each calendar year. A provider may create as many RTP stipend amount packets as necessary to report each year for which the student is awarded a RTP stipend for the course.


Providers are required to report a RTP stipend amount packet for a student only when the student is awarded a RTP stipend for their course.

Initial reporting requirement

Element Reporting requirement Deadline
*E623: RTP stipend amount Required for all in-scope students Within 7 days of the scholarship being awarded
*E415: Reporting year Required for all in-scope students Within 7 days of the scholarship being awarded

*These elements must be reported together when a new RTP stipend amount packet is created


Each RTP stipend amount packet must have a value for the reporting year (E415) that is unique to the course admission record.

Revising data

A provider can correct the data in a RTP stipend amount packet after the initial packet is reported. All values on a RTP stipend amount packet are to be correct as of when the stipend was awarded.

TCSI Data Entry file upload

RTP stipend amounts are updated on the Course admission files available for download on the course admissions group page.