Higher education TCSI update #2 - 2 April 2020

Reporting 2020 higher education data

Thank you for your patience as we work through the arrangements for reporting your first 2020 higher education data submissions.

To lessen your reporting requirements and enable you to prioritise your response to the COVID‑19 emergency, we are extending the timeframes for your first 2020 data submissions to 31 August 2020. This means:

  • the first two reporting periods (census dates from 1 January - 30 June, currently due 31 May and 31 August) will be consolidated into a single half‑year data submission, due by 31 August 2020.
  • data will be submitted though HEPCAT using the existing 2019 formats and values.

We will also remove the requirement to submit a 2020 Campus submission in HEPCAT.

HEPCAT is currently being updated to include the renewable HELP balance and new aviation limits for higher education courses for 2020 and will be available for you to submit your data any time from 30 June.

Extended deadline to verify 2019 data

While we encourage you to complete the submission and verification of all your 2019 data as soon as possible, the date to have all data finalised and verified will be extended to 31 May 2020 to help further reduce reporting pressures.

Transition to TCSI

As previously advised, our development teams have also been impacted by COVID-19 and the working from home arrangements currently in place for many of us. We will have further information for you in the coming weeks around the transition to TCSI and how we can work with early adopters who will be ready to transition to TCSI in the second half of 2020.

VSL data submissions

If you are a dual provider, please note that there is no change to VSL data submissions. VSL providers will continue with their current arrangements, reporting their 2020 data in HEPCAT.