Full-time equivalence FTE for a full year

Staff resources associated with a member of staff or a group of members of staff who has/have a casual work contract, expressed in terms of the number of full‑time staff who would be required in a full year to perform equivalent duties.

The full‑time equivalence for a full year for a member of staff or group of members of staff with a casual work contract is to be calculated in the following way:

If the work performed is lecturing, then:

  • determine the total number of "contact" hours (excluding associated hours spent in preparation and marking) for the person or persons during the full year;
  • divide that number by 9 to give an equivalent number of weeks worked; and
  • divide the equivalent number of weeks worked by N, where N is the number of teaching weeks in a full year.

If the work performed is supervising or conducting demonstrations, tutorials or workshops, then:

  • determine the total number of "contact" hours (excluding associated hours spent in preparation and marking) for the person or persons during the full year;
  • divide that number by 25 to give an equivalent number of weeks worked; and
  • divide the equivalent number of weeks worked by N, where N is the number of teaching weeks in a full year excluding any summer school period.

If the work performed is marking (as a single activity), research or other work, then:

  • determine the total number of "paid" hours for the person or persons during the full year;
  • divide that number by 35 to give an equivalent number of weeks worked; and
  • divide the equivalent number of weeks worked by 52.


Application of glossary term:
  • Casual staff (HE)