
The Australian postcode or overseas country code location of the campus of the Higher Education Provider where the student is studying this unit


First year:2005
Last year:2008
Element name:Postcode or overseas country code location of Higher Education Provider campus

Code format:

Data Type:Alphanumeric
Units:Code (alphanumeric)


X1200 to X9299Overseas country code from countries classification
X9999Overseas country, but not classifiable
A0001 to A9998Australian Postcode
99999No information on location of campus/delivery location

Coding notes

This code must reflect the Australian postcode or overseas country code of the campus of the High Education Provider where the student is undertaking the unit of study.

If the unit of study is taken externally, the postcode to be reported is that of the campus of the High Education Provider from where the course is presented.

If the load for an individual student in a single unit is spread across more than one campus then the postcode to be reported is that of the campus of the High Education Provider from where the course is administered.

Refer to:

Please refer to the Glossary for further information about terminology used in this document.

Input files

​Higher Education:

  • Student Load/Liability (LL)
  • Electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (PO)

Change History

Details of all versions of this data element can be found on its supporting information page.

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