
A code which indicates the type of higher education course


First year:2005
Last year:2008
Field name:COURSE-TYPE
Element name:Course of study type code

Code format:

Data Type:Numeric
Units:Code (numeric), right justified, with a leading zero if needed


01Higher Doctorate
02Doctorate by research
12Doctorate by coursework
03Masters (Research)
04Masters (Coursework)
05Postgraduate Qualifying or Preliminary (for Masters, Doctorate or Higher Doctorate)
06Graduate Diploma/ Postgraduate Diploma (pass or honours) involving new academic, professional or vocational area
07Graduate Diploma/ Postgraduate Diploma (pass or honours) extending skills and knowledge in a professional area previously studied
11Graduate Certificate
08Bachelors Graduate Entry
09Bachelors Honours
10Bachelors Pass
13Associate degree
20Advanced Diploma (AQF terminology)/Diploma (pre-AQF terminology)
21Diploma (AQF terminology)/ Associate Diploma (pre-AQF terminology)
22Other undergraduate award course
30Enabling course
41Cross Provider program for undergraduate courses at home Higher Education Provider
42Cross Provider program for postgraduate courses at home Higher Education Provider
50Non-award course (including Bridging for overseas trained professionals)
60Open learning undergraduate studies
61Open learning postgraduate studies

Coding notes

Higher Education only:

Code post-course legal studies programs which do not lead to an award of the Higher Education Provider as 22 (other undergraduate award course).

Code preparatory courses being undertaken by fee-paying overseas students as 22 (other award course).

For DEST coding purposes, Higher Doctorates include those awards which are granted in recognition of original work which was not conducted as part of a supervised candidature within the Higher Education Provider.

Please refer to the Glossary for further information about terminology used in this document.

Input files

HEP - Student

  • Course of Study (CO)

Change History

Details of all versions of this data element can be found on its supporting information page.

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